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MCT need some fine tunning


Professor Oak
Here is my deck list please help


Celebi prime x4 TM
Mewtwo EX x3 ND
Tornadus x3 EMP
Shaymin x1 UD
Shaymin EX x1 ND


Dual Ball x4
Pokémon catcher x4
Switch x3
Junk ARM x4
Pokégear 3.0 x1
Plus power x3
Eviolite x3
Professor juniper x3
N x1
Cilan x1
Skyarrow bridge x3


Grass x10
DCE x4


Again any help is greatly appreciated
Cilan is bad in this deck. So I'd go

-1 Cilan
+1 N

I'd also go

-1 Plus Power
+ Pokergear

Draw support is a must in this deck. you don't want to stall out.
Thank you for the help what do you think of just one regigigas my friend plays one in his cmt and I can't win the mirror 100%
-1 mewtwo ex(i feel like 3 is a little much)
-1 shaymin ex(i think this really isnt needed)

+1 Regigigas ex(i think this is a good card to have against zeels)
+1 pokegear(this helps get ur supporters when u need them)

Hop i helped :)

I don't think plus power will be that helpful IMO. Maybe terrakion/regigigas EX? Maybe some ssu too. Try taking out some energies or something for them.