MD good or boring?


10 sided fish of star FTW!
After looking over the card list for MD there is nothing to freak out over aside from a select few and i mean FEW, the set really isn't that great in my mind does anyone else feel this way? :)

Please discuss the upcoming set with whatever feelings you have towards it (good or bad)

First of all, there is no official MD set list yet. It's a mixture of DP4 and DP5, together with some random stuff.
Anyway, MD can really be format-turning in the following ways:
1) Kingdra DP5
2) Fossilutions, especially Omastar
3) Eeveelutions
Especially the bottom two are to be expected (by me, anyway) to show up in MD, and if that will happen, I will acquire a booster box of it just for that. Also, Cynthia's Plan is pretty awesome. Also, I'm looking forward to some more rogue-like cards, but most of you probably aren't, seeing how everyone here followed the G&G/Mag decks with slightly edited versions.
Boring? hell no! one of the best sets to come out since "DP - Secret Gallades". Eevees and Garchomp... they're all guarenteed, along with Fossils. Those cards will finally change the format from the 2 deck monotony of the last few months. Granted there is ALOT of filler in there... but every set gets junk in it. Ugh, Mama's Concern... I hope that DOES NOT get printed -__-
Good? VERY... boring? yup... the good decks will get so repetative that they will be boring to use. Blame MD for that ;)
Stealth my friend,

i look forward to Omastar more then you can imagine!!! mostly the filler is what i meant as "boring" i mean some of the pokemon are as basic as base set, crazy combos are not going to come from this set EXCEPT FOR A FEW GREAT CARDS.
I think there are more than just a few great cards coming out of this set. No one knows the set 100% as of yet, so how can you say that the set is going to be boring? We've got a lot of new cards that are going to be giving gallade a run for its money, and with the format rotation coming up soon, it's going to change a lot. I can guarantee that.
Like its stated, we don't know any complete set lists so we can't make any huge decisions. But in all sets there are sme useful cards. I imagine some decks will pop up with the eeveelutions, as well as some of the other LV.X's. But also the fossils will be useful, we will just have to wait and see.
yeah and everyone seems to be forgetting about infernape discard a scramble and do 120 damage? its ridiculous
Oh yes I forgot about those guys, Infernape will probably find its way into the Magmorter deck, I would think.
this new set is going to bring a lot of possibilities to the table im thinking if that kingdra dp5 comes with it there will be some more new cards to come and work with it and it will be awesome
I think the new cards will be better for improving decks, rather than new ones, but who knows without the set list.
There are a ton of good cards in MD, the starters, garchompX, eeveelutions, fossils. Only Mama's Concern is my biggest concern though.
hopefully this set will bring the variety I am longing for in the game, but on topic, I love this set, not boring at all. US DP6 will be chaos.
Well, from the looks of it, MD will be a whole lot better than the GE set. GE had nothing meta-changing. The entire set for MD isn't confirmed yet but from the looks of it, the confirmed cards already beat GE to a pulp.

May I request for the kingdra and luxray scans?
Oh yeah, GE had to much hype, and in honesty wasn't very good. MD will be great, but I refuse to take a stand until I see a set list, sorry I need confirmation.
GE's good card list - PAchi, Claydol
MD's good card list - chomp, eeveelutions, starters eyc. etc.

So in short MD>>>>>GE.
MD boring?? I don't think so, because the Eeveelutions are going to be in there, the Fossils will finally make their appearance after sooo long, Garchomp LV X will be in there as well & not to mention, Empoleon, Torterra & Infernape will be appearing again. :D Also, don't forget about some of the starters, like Phione. So, MD is not a boring set IMO..
im very glad all of you are looking forward to the set as much as i'am... im very glad to hear the feed back and such a positive feeling towards MD!!!!

Yeah, MD is going to change the format, but not by a lot. Like you people have been saying, the fillers are HORRIBLE! Naturally, thay have to put a big guy in evry set, and your looking at Dragonite there. He's just bad. The cards form the trainer kit make me wanna cry...
This set have a lot of playable cards, thank god!!!! now we´ll se more than gg maggy in the tourneys!!!!!! Fossils, eeveelutions, phione, garchomp lv.x, the new torterra,empoleon,infernape, kingdra....kingdra? Stealth angel 667....what in the world makes you think kindra will be in MD?