Pokemon Meanest/Scariest Looking Pokemon

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homeofmew said:
Dusknoir, be glad pokemon are not real that thing is scary.
I think it would be awesome if Pokemon were real, even if the world may end up on the edge of being blown into bits by Palkia and Dialga.
I personally find Drapion the scariest and meanest. Its head rotates 180 degrees, it can turn cars into scrap metal, and it looks like a gigantic scorpion! Who isn't afraid of scorpions that can do that?
Gliscor is not mean/scary! Gliscor is just so cool and awesome!

Some people have said this, but Steelix is just plain creepy.
I think it would be....
Skuntank, Margmortar, and Girantina
Then there is also Rhyperior and Dusknoir
*Crystal Mew flies away*
I agree with AGH, Gyarados is arguably the meanest LOOKING pokemon. While, I fear Jynx. ( I'm not a racist, I just have bad dreams when I see her >.> )
The scariest Pokémon? That's an easy one.


Look into those unblinking eyes... staring... staring... never blinking... piercing your soul... I have nightmares about it...
I would have to say Giratina. A ghost with fricken wings would scare that crap out of me.
I'm Going To Ride My Hopes With Gyarados And Gengar!
Good Luck In Finding The Most Mean Looking Pokemon! xD
I think, personally, I should have to say Shiftry.
Those mean looking eyes (I believe they are red!), that pointed nose (like a witch), and that creepy cry that he has.

Funny Fact:
When I was younger, Shiftry gave me a nightmare, and he's the only Pokemon to do so...
I think the meanest pokemon is, probably girintina as it seems to be the devil of pokemon. Also the origin form looks like a snake which the devil is notoriously known for and If you look at its features you can find 666.
At first I thought Jigglypuff(0_o), until I had a dream where I found a live baby Jigglypuff who thought it could fly in my bed(Remember, it was JUST a dream). Now, I'm going to ride my hopes with Rayquaza and Absol. I mean, just look at the LV.X pictures for them!
Giant Gengar and Alakazam from the episode: "The Secrets of Pokemopolis" way back in Kanto.
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