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Medaforcer's Trade Thread

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Would you do this
my gallade 4 RH and some rare NHs
for your
tyranitar theme deck and shaymin PL
My Azelf MT and something else for your Hitmonchan SR or Relicanth Shiny?
Jackolas said:
CML for your Infernape 4 Lv.X
I'm sorry, I didn't see anything for it.
eevee said:
My Azelf MT and something else for your Hitmonchan SR or Relicanth Shiny?
I am also sorry. I recieved an Azelf MT at league today.

I guess this also makes my first bump for the week.
magikarpusedsplash said:
hi, I'm interested in Zapdos reprint, please CML. also, do you have any roseannes?

Charizard SF? And sorry, I do not have any Roseannes for trade.

cml for:
Hippowdon LV X
Alakazam 4 Lv X
Floatzel GL LV X

thank you!
Thank you for checking my trades thread, but I don't think you have anything at this time that I need. but you never know when that can change!
Hello, dear traders. It has been some time.

Do I have anything you need or vice versa? I'd love to do some list checking.
Hi I have a Leafeon Lv X for trade.
I need to know though, how many roseannes do you have for trade?
Your: Infernape 4 lv.X

My: Garchomp C Lv.X
3x Kingdra LA
1x Mesprit LA
1x Absol G
2x Bebes Search

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