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Medicham / Hawlucha / Landorus EX


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Meditite PC
    4 Medicham PC AT
    3 Hawlucha FF
    3 Landorus FF
    1 Celebi EX

  • 4 VS Seeker
    4 Professor Birch Observations
    3 Professor Sycamore
    1 Shauna
    2 Korrina
    2 Skyla
    2 Xerosic
    2 Lysandre
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    1 Shauna
    2 Iris
    4 Fighting Stadium
    4 Muscle Band
    1 Silver Bangle

  • 4 Strong Energy
    8 Fighting Energy


I've gone through a lot of adding and subtracting from this basic setup and this is my current setup and I've decided to ask the fine folks at Pokebeach for some suggestions.

The basic concept is OHKO's. Medi with one strong/one band/fight stadium is double 90 on an ex or double 70 on a non-ex...so kiss anyone goodbye. Lando to get energy out of discard. Hawlucha because...HAWLUCHA! All pokemon in the deck have single energy or less retreat, so no need for switch/float stones. (Unlike if you run machamp...such a great card if not for that evil 3 retreat..but don't need him)

Korrina for bands/pokemon...usually Medicham as no evosodas or ultra balls.

Skyla for the stadium grab that Korrina can't do.

Iris for the bonus later in game if I'm out of supplies. Also, gives me the OHKO on toad with stadium/strong and 2 or more prizes taken without needing band/bangle. Can't beat getting twice the bonus because Medicham attacks twice.

Silver Bangle - OHKO EX with only one strong/stadium/bangle if Celebi is benched.

Cards that I've had in and out of this deck for playing online:

Mr. Mime Bench Protect - Because the deck you see above is dead in the water vs. something like Landobats because bench/damage placement and low hp combination. (If Mime stopped the bats, this would be a given card). I hem and haw about dumping Celebi Ex for this card constantly.

Crushing Hammers - obv reasons
Enhanced Hammers - obv reasons
Roller Skates - non-supporter draw, and the deck is supporter heavy
Acro Bikes - same as roller skates

Basically the deck is winning at about a 2/3 clip online thus far...but it can struggle at times. Great vs. Toad and basically any EX deck that isn't landobats. Struggles against Eggs because of supporter lock. Has performed fairly well against Empoleon/Flareon so long as I keep Celebi unplayed unless win condition.

Any suggestions welcome. Thanks guys. Been trying to unlock the mystery of Medicham for a good month now. :)
RE: Medicham / Hawlucha / Landorus

Good post, this is the deck im gonna make by selling my Lucario-EX's, cuz the new Medichamp is much violent, with Strong Energy\Silver Bangle\Stadium he could KO any existing pokemon-EX (except for mega evolution). My list looks very similar to yours, 4 Medichamp is the minimum, i'll add 1-2 Landorus-EX (to finish the defending pokemon if Medichamp couldn't), instead of 3 Hawlucha I prefer 1-2 and the rest looks fine, Celebi-EX is a good addition to offer Medicham the attack of Meditite, but I think I'll play 2 copies of Machamp instead.

For the items, i'd run 2 Silver Bangle + 3 Muscle Band, and maybe -1 Stadium, I don't know if Iris could be a big helper, maybe i'll try it. As for Skyla i dont think you really need it, 4 Korrina can handle your game, and maybe 2 Ultra Ball could be useful too.
RE: Medicham / Hawlucha / Landorus

Maxiechamp is love. Maxiechamp is life.

Medicham + machamp + Maxies hidden ball trick, Best combo ever, it can deal tons of damage right off the bat with no need for bands or bangles, and with that extra slot for a tool you can use focus sash. This amazing tool, yet again doubles the effectiveness of Medicham and lets him damage spike after the "first death" with a muscle band allowing for the mega KO. XD

I believe I posted my maxiechamp deck list some where in the deck garage (I think I named it finial tweaks to maxiechamp). If you have the time, I would go look at it and maybe use some of the ideas I have there.
RE: Medicham / Hawlucha / Landorus

It seems the above user has been banned, but I wanted to ask how Focus Sash can be used effectively when the only reason to use Focus Sash disappears once Medicham takes damage.

I love the Medicham deck. But it has trouble against Mega and Primal card. The HP of such cards is simply monstrous. So I thought about running Focus Sash myself, but I am sure if it would be viable.[/align]
RE: Medicham / Hawlucha / Landorus

I would suggest taking out 2 Birch with 2 N. Reason being Birch is pretty luck based while N gives you a guaranteed number and is great for disruption/comebacks.
RE: Medicham / Hawlucha / Landorus

Windfish said:
It seems the above user has been banned, but I wanted to ask how Focus Sash can be used effectively when the only reason to use Focus Sash disappears once Medicham takes damage.

I love the Medicham deck. But it has trouble against Mega and Primal card. The HP of such cards is simply monstrous. So I thought about running Focus Sash myself, but I am sure if it would be viable.[/align]

Megas/Primals are a problem because of the huge HP, but if you run Iris then you have a shot at the OHKO. Basically if you have bangle, stadium and 1 strong on a med you can OHKO a 240 HP pokemon when your opponent has taken 2 or more prizes. This is probable by the time the mega is hulked up and ready to go as with the low hp on both med and hawlucha you're usually giving up a prize each turn once your opponent gets going.

I've actually adjusted the decklist quite a bit since I last posted to address megas (second bangle) and to address the biggest complication with this deck: The bats.

The machamp idea could possibly get you around this, but it would mean a complete overhaul of the decklist from what I'm running with tools. I wouldn't mind seeing the decklist though.

My current list after a lot of changes over the past few weeks:


4 Meditite PC
4 Medicham PC AT
3 Hawlucha FF
3 Landorus FF
1 Trubbish
1 Garbodor


4 VS Seeker
1 Battle Compressor
3 Roller Skates
2 Evosoda
1 Scramble Switch Ace Spec
1 Tierno
1 Colress
1 Professor Birch Observations
1 Professor Sycamore
1 Shauna
1 Korrina
1 Skyla
1 Xerosic
1 Lysandre
1 Iris
4 Fighting Stadium
4 Muscle Band
2 Silver Bangle
1 Float Stone

4 Strong Energy
8 Fighting Energy

So yeah...Some major overhauls.


Garbodor buys you so much more than Celebi with this deck. 1 less prize given up. An actual counter to Bats/Aegislash/Blastoise, among others. If you can get garb into play early then you have a chance vs. Lando bats...Nothing can be done about Seismibats that I've seen with this setup. Pretty much an autoloss there. Lando weakness+can't attach item to garb + laserbank...It just keeps going further and further down the hole. Ha ha.

Scramble Switch is ace spec I like to run. It covers retreat issues that you have with status ailments like sleep/paralize etc. It also lets you move a strong from one Pokemon to Medicham if you go early with Lando or Hawlucha. Instant Medicham power up.

Battle compressor is for the early game Lando energy add with shout of power. It also gets a supporter or two into the discard for the 4 VS seekers I run, at my choice and there's a lot of them in that department. :p

Evosoda to grab the garb and/or med.

Roller skates for item-based draw support. (This has become necessary as a response to all the toad reaction. Exeggcutor decks are unleashing fury and, well, you need item based draw to have a chance to counter them. Could go another way, but I like roller skates.)

I know, I know about the supporters. I'm all over the place. I found that I very rarely, if ever, used Lysandre's Trump card with this deck. The game was over or my opponent used it themself long before it was ever necessary since hawluchas/meds either drop or get dropped fast. Not only that, you honestly don't have the time to play it because you're always giving up a prize and need some other form of supporter to get bonus damage, tools, stadiums etc. Also, I constantly found myself throwing out crucial strong energies or tools with sycamores which would bite me. Sometimes all you need is that 4 card draw turn with Tierno draw as you'll have plenty good stuff to complement currently in hand for the following turns. (Cue the ughs...LOL..Poor Tierno)

Float stone is basically for Garbodor. I could drop it and just throw a band/bangle on him...but then I have to either waste a switch or watch him get lysandre'd to mess me up. Granted, that doesn't happen much because most opponents know to kill the benched Meds with Lysandre. Still, I don't like the idea of having him trapped in active position if Scramble Switch isn't there for me. I hate that Garbodor is costing me 3 slots wit this added in. But like I said, bats = "GAME OVER MAN...GAME OVER" if no Garbodor. So...que sera sera.

Long-winded, but I think that covers it. Here's hoping that the game developers make a way to stop damage placement (ie bats) without needing a tool. If that happened, I think Med could be a fun deck that always had a chance to pull out victory. Thanks to all the folks that are participating in the thread. :)
RE: Medicham / Hawlucha / Landorus

I swear, almost no one but a few run Machamp...
I mean, a couple people above may run it, but it isn't as popular as it should be.
I hate the deck so much because of the double attacking, but it's a great idea.
RE: Medicham / Hawlucha / Landorus

pokemonkosh said:
I swear, almost no one but a few run Machamp...
I mean, a couple people above may run it, but it isn't as popular as it should be.
I hate the deck so much because of the double attacking, but it's a great idea.

I personally don't like Maxie's. Too much circumstance and card tossing when you don't need Machamp's +20 to get OHKO's. It also allows me to work in more Lando's and Hawluchas in his absence (and possibly EX or splashables if I ever decide to go that route).