Ruling Mega Evolution Requirements


Bending Lightning
I have searched everywhere for this with no success...
I was wondering if I can evolve to a Mega evolution Blastoise from a normal Blastoise (say, one with Deluge) or if it has to evolve from the Ex one?

Thanks for taking the time to answer this...
Also, if you can give Kaldeo/Mega Blastoise deck tips, they would be appreciated...
This deck will also count with Milotic, for Clear Search...
Brave Vesperia said:
Mega Evolutions must evolve from the Basic EX.

After you answered my question I took a better look at the Mega card and saw that it tells you, but in very small writting, my bad... and Thanks... :)

Angela Anuszewski said:
You can discuss your deck plans in the Deck Garage.

Thank you... :) I saw the Deck Garage thread and already posted two decks...