Hey guys I would like some suggestions and feedback for a deck that I am making. I really like playing with Sylveon disruption style deck. That being said I wanted a little more out of it for a much smaller cost on PTCGO. So Mawile to me was a solid choice given that it can knock off energy as well. I am not even remotely close to being a pro and this is actually my first deck that i have ever created. I've played it in a few matches and when its setup its a monster. I have come back from a 6/1 prize card deficit multiple times just from the other guy being out of energy in their deck. I have been playing with some ideas for some swaps. Like take out 2 puzzles for wishful batons and take the choice bands out for some body building dumbbells to beef these guys up a little bit. I would really appreciate some input from you guys to make it a little more consistent. Thank you all in advance
Oh and side note, Kangaskhan is there to deal with Baby Alolan Ninetales. Needs no evolution and can deal with it for 1 energy.
****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******
##Pokémon - 12
* 3 Eevee SUM 101
* 1 Kangaskhan SUM 99
* 2 Sylveon-GX GRI 92
* 3 Mawile-EX PR-XY XY103
* 3 M Mawile-EX PR-XY XY104
##Trainer Cards - 34
* 2 Acerola BUS 112
* 2 Mawile Spirit Link PR-XY XY105
* 1 Skyla BKP 122
* 1 Fairy Garden FCO 100
* 4 Team Flare Grunt XY 129
* 3 Guzma BUS 115
* 4 Puzzle of Time BKP 109
* 2 Field Blower GRI 125
* 2 Enhanced Hammer GRI 124
* 1 Crushing Hammer SUM 115
* 2 Parallel City BKT 145
* 2 N FCO 105
* 3 Red Card GEN 71
* 2 Choice Band GRI 121
* 3 Delinquent BKP 98
##Energy - 14
* 2 Double Colorless Energy SUM 136
* 12 Fairy Energy 9
Total Cards - 60
****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******
##Pokémon - 12
* 3 Eevee SUM 101
* 1 Kangaskhan SUM 99
* 2 Sylveon-GX GRI 92
* 3 Mawile-EX PR-XY XY103
* 3 M Mawile-EX PR-XY XY104
##Trainer Cards - 34
* 2 Acerola BUS 112
* 2 Mawile Spirit Link PR-XY XY105
* 1 Skyla BKP 122
* 1 Fairy Garden FCO 100
* 4 Team Flare Grunt XY 129
* 3 Guzma BUS 115
* 4 Puzzle of Time BKP 109
* 2 Field Blower GRI 125
* 2 Enhanced Hammer GRI 124
* 1 Crushing Hammer SUM 115
* 2 Parallel City BKT 145
* 2 N FCO 105
* 3 Red Card GEN 71
* 2 Choice Band GRI 121
* 3 Delinquent BKP 98
##Energy - 14
* 2 Double Colorless Energy SUM 136
* 12 Fairy Energy 9
Total Cards - 60
****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
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