Recently I have noticed how I am constantly thinking about Mega Sableye in the process of teambuilding. It usually ends up with me adding either Clefable or Heatran. I really want to use other Pokemon, but every team I make has either one of these checks. I know that there are a few Mega Pokemon that can also help against this threat, such as Mega Charizard and Mega Altaria. However, I was wondering if there are more non-mega options that are valid against M.Sableye. Additionally, since it usually comes at the beginning of the battle, I feel like I need a Pokemon that can be used at the beginning (a lead) and be effective against it, so that is another point for why I don't like the option to choose Mega Pokemon that can check it, as they are usually better to keep for mid to late game.
How do you deal with this Pokemon ? Do you also find it as restricting as I find it?
How do you deal with this Pokemon ? Do you also find it as restricting as I find it?