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Standard Mega Tyranitar EX / Weavile / Clawitzer

Robin Aisaga

Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 14
3- Mega Tyranitar EX
3- Tyranitar EX
2- Sneasel
2- Weavile (Steam Siege)
1- Clauncher
1- Clawitzer (Steam Siege)
2- Shaymin EX (Roaring Skies)

Supporters: 11

4- Professor Sycamore
3- N
2- Lysandre
1- Ninja Kid
1- Skyla

Items/Stadiums/Tools: 25

4- Ultra Ball
4- Trainers' Mail
4- VS Seeker
3- Team Magma's Secret Base
3- Tyranitar Spirit Link
2- Heavy Boots
2- Float Stone
2- Bursting Balloon
1- Exp. Share
1- Mega Turbo

Energy: 10

3- Double Colorless Energy
6- Dark Energy
1- Dangerous Energy

Pokémon: 16
3- Mega Tyranitar EX
3- Tyranitar EX
3- Hoopa (Steam Siege)
2- Weavile (Steam Siege)
2- Sneasel
2- Shaymin EX (Roaring Skies)
1- Absol

Supporters: 13

4- Professor Sycamore
3- N
2- Ninja Kid
2- Lysandre
1- Skyla

Items/Stadiums/Tools: 22

2- Parallel City
4- Ultra Ball
4- Trainers' Mail
3- Max Elixer
3- VS Seeker
3- Tyranitar Spirit Link
2- Float Stone
2- Heavy Boots
2- Trainers' Mail
1- Exp. Share

Energy: 10
3- Double Colorless Energy
7- Dark Energy

I had a really good idea recently, thanks to @Yog who thought of an interesting way to use Weavile from Steam Siege. Mega Tyranitar was underused when Ancient Origins was released. It was a very clunky deck. Theta double combined with Weavile's abilty Tear Away can make a difference. This deck however is undeniable vulnerable to Garbodor. It doesn't have to be an auto-loss. But I'm still sad that ability block will likely be used more then ever.

Anyway, tools are the key cards in this deck. Heavy Boots can increase Tyranitar's HP to an incredible max of 280! You can switch Float Stone to any Pokémon when necessary.

Energy acceleration was also slightly problematic for this deck. However with a 1-1 line of Clawitzer it should be possible to attach an additional Double Colorless Energy or Dangerous Energy during each turn. We also have a Mega Turbo and an Exp. Share for when a Pokémon gets knocked out in a later stadium.

So in short this deck revolves around a bulky Pokémon that can rather easy K.O. Pokémon with the help of Bursting Balloon and Team Magma's Secret Base. We also have to worry less about Energy Acceleration and Retreating Pokémon out of the active. I hope you like this idea! Any suggestions are always very welcome.

EDIT: I've included another deck list in this post. This version uses Hoopa STS, Max Elixer and Ninja Boy for energy acceleration on basic Pokémon.
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You may want to check-out STS Hoopa which is a fantastic starter for Mega Tyranitar EX. Hoopa can easily set the stage for 1HKOs... From my early play-testing, MTtar only has real issues with Zygarde EX (Solemans456's build in particular).
You may want to check-out STS Hoopa which is a fantastic starter for Mega Tyranitar EX. Hoopa can easily set the stage for 1HKOs... From my early play-testing, MTtar only has real issues with Zygarde EX (Solemans456's build in particular).

Steam Siege Hoopa would be interesting with Max Elixer and Ninja Boy for Energy acceleration. I think that's a nice idea for another kind of build :) Also Fighting Pokémon will be a problem, but I don't think it's worth a spot for Weakness Policy. BTW It's cool to see another player trying Mega Tyranitar out in the new format :D
Finally more players of tyranitar,i think hoopa from ss is great add for make good damage,and paralel city to remove shaymins or vs Mray,assault vest is good tool because 90% of all decks now have especial energies,and -40 damage vs Mray and Mmewtwo -60 is very good,idk
If 2 assault give -80 with 2 of that but we need make a competitive deck,someone ppl told cant make and not good deck,and i always say i can make
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I think you should replace the Weavile line by making the clauncher a 2-2. Then up the Double Colorless and Dangerous ones by one each.
I don't really think a clawitzer line is needed for Mega Tyranitar, 1 DCE and 2 Dark, plus with mega turbo is practically a turn 2-3 setup. Also I will have to try the weavile line. I also have a tyranitar deck list, but updated a lot of it.
Steam Siege Hoopa would be interesting with Max Elixer and Ninja Boy for Energy acceleration. I think that's a nice idea for another kind of build :) Also Fighting Pokémon will be a problem, but I don't think it's worth a spot for Weakness Policy. BTW It's cool to see another player trying Mega Tyranitar out in the new format :D
We are all T-Tar Buddies <3
I see diverce suggestions for energy acceleration. I think each option has it's pros and cons, it might be worth a shot to try multiple approaches. I personally have most faith in the M-Tyranitar list that uses Hoopa STS and Weavile. (I added it in a spoiler) It gets a huge boost from Tear Away but also isn't too reliant on abilities thanks to the damage spread by Hoopa and Max Elixer / Ninja Boy. I consider buying the cards to compleet this deck in real life and surprise some players at a tournament :)