Hey guys, this thought just crossed my mind, and thus I have not done any testing with this as it is purely hypothetical. What if we were to create a Venusaur EX/Mega Venusaur EX deck utilizing Virizion EX for acceleration, Celebi EX to help with tanking (using Jungle Hammer) and the B&W Serperior to help heal damage. If Celebi EX worries some of you, it is not essential to have in the deck, as you could abuse Reuniclus (although it is fragile) to help move damage around to make use of Serperior more, potentially healing 60 damage between turns. With the help of Venusaur's Jungle Hammer, that number could reach 150 by the time of your next turn! Combine this with super potion (discard one energy, heal 60 damage), Pokemon Center, and hand charm (reduce damage taken by 20) and you are left with a 230 HP pokemon that is turned into an absolute tank!
Here is my starting (skeleton) list (once again, no testing done)
Pokemon: 16
Edited to coincide with the rules! ~Kecleon
Here is my starting (skeleton) list (once again, no testing done)
Pokemon: 16
- 3 Venusaur EX (X&Y)
- 2 Mega Venusaur EX (X&Y)
- 2-1-2 Serperior B&W (Royal Heal)
- 2 Virizion EX (Plasma Blast)
- 2-0-2 Reuniclus (B&W)
- 4 Professor Juniper/Sycamore
- 4 N
- 3 Colress
- 3 Skyla
- 1 Computer Search/Dowsing Machine
- 4 Rare Candy
- 4 Ultra Ball
- 3 Super Potion
- 2 Switch
- 2 Tool Scrapper
- 10 Grass
Edited to coincide with the rules! ~Kecleon