Wi-Fi Trades Megaman0 My Player thread!


Aspiring Trainer
Welcome to Megaman0player thread!

Player Name:Matthew
My Friend Code: Pearl 3694 6544 3389
AIM/MSN/Yahoo/whatever: [email protected] (MSN) or MegamanF0 (AIM)


  • Pokemon Offered:
    Skarmory lv 56
    Elekid lv 9
    Grovyle(named Hopper) lv 16
    Skiploom lv 19
    Croconaw lv 18
    Lanturn lv 28
    Ariados lv 52
    Hitmonchan(named Mike Tyson) lv 34
    Numel lv 16
    Absol(named Vulf) lv 65
    Wartortle lv 19
    Seaking lv 33
    Torchic(named Bunsen) lv 12
    Miltank(named Bessie) lv 53
    Walrein lv 44
    Hypno lv 39
    Pidgeot(named Hawk) lv 50
    Ampharos lv 36
    Butterfree(named Butta) lv 41
    Dragonair(named Liquid) lv 30
    Gliscor lv 23
    Swellow lv 22
    Yanmega lv 33
    Bulbasaur lv 9
    Bayleef(named Chico) lv 16
    Octillery lv 45
    Wailord lv 44
    Delcatty(Japanese name) lv 51
    Ivysaur(named Weed) lv 19
    Cherrim(Japanese name) lv 33
    Lickylicky(Named Marc) lv33
    Jumpluff lv32
    Claydol(Japanese name) lv 50
    Pinsir lv 52
    Dewgong(Japanese name) lv 51
    Charmeleon (named Doragon) lv 18
    Slowking lv 14
    Xatu (Japanese name)lv 54
    Phione lv 1
    Phione lv 1
    Phione lv 1
    Palkia lv 100
    Ho-Oh(Japanese name) lv70
    Articuno lv 53
    Cressellia lv 50
    Pichu lv 1(With Volt tackle)
    Pichu lv 1(With Volt tackle)
    Pichu lv 1(With Volt tackle)
    Pichu lv 1(With Volt tackle)
    Pichu lv 1(With Volt tackle)
    Pichu lv 1(With Volt tackle)
    Carnivine lv 1
    Carnivine lv 1
    Carnivine lv 1
    Mudkip lv 5
    Mudkip lv 5
    Mudkip lv 1
    Mudkip lv 1
    Rotom lv 15
    Eevee lv 1
    Eevee lv 1

    Charmander (I can breed these for people)
    Bulbasaur (I can breed these for people)
    Squirtle (I can breed these for people)
    Cyndaquil (I can breed these for people)
    Chikorita (I can breed these for people)
    Totodile (I can breed these for people)
    Torchic (I can breed these for people)
    Treecko (I can breed these for people)
    Mudkip (I can breed these for people)
    Chimchar (I can breed these for people)
    Turtwig (I can breed these for people)
    Piplup (I can breed these for people)

POKEMON I WANT=======================

  • Legendary Pokemon
    Well trained Pokemon (lv 60 - lv 100)

ITEMS FOR TRADE======================

  • Electrizer

ITEMS I WANT=========================
  • Magmerizer
  • Every TM that you can't buy at a store
    (TMs that you get in Casino and Battle Towers are accepted)
  • Rare Berries
    Nomel Berry
    Spelon Berry
    Pamtre Berry
    Watmel Berry
    Durin Berry
    Belue Berry
    Belue Berry
    Occa Berry
    Passho Berry
    Wacan Berry
    Rindo Berry
    Chople Berry
    Kebia Berry
    Shuca Berry
    Coba Berry
    Payapa Berry
    Tanga Berry
    Charti Berry
    Kasib Berry
    Haban Berry
    Colbur Berry
    Babiri Berry
    Chilan Berry
    Ganlon Berry
    Enigma Berry
    Apicot Berry
    Lansat Berry
    Micle Berry
    Custap Berry
    Jaboca Berry
    Rowap Berry

    I also trade Pokemon for a combination of a Junk Pokemon and one of the requested items...


  • _____
  • _____
I will be getting the 3 starters so I can give you Turtwig or Chimchar. Of course, what do you have in return
Well I already got a Turtwig and a Chimchar through the GTS(wonderful system makes trading so easy as there are a lot of people who trade lvl. 1 starters for early catch pokemon).

I have a lvl 14 Meditite to trade against Heracross(What level is Heracross?)
If I remember correctly, one is lvl 20, and the other is lvl 25. take your pick. And I'll trade you either one for a Turtwig or Chimchar.

Or, you can have a Shiny Flygon for both Turtwig and Chimchar.
Yes, I'll trade you a Shiny Flygon for the Shiny Bonsly. I don't need Chimchar anymore. You can still have a Heracross if you like as well.
The Bonsly was in a Master ball, a shiny and level 100(so I suspect it was a cheat) so I traded it to away for a Chimchar.
I have all the starters for trade from Shinou I intrested in your Lucario could you breed one and trade me the egg?
I have a lvl 50 Palkia and a lvl 50 Mesprit I want to trade for either Deoxys, Jirachi, Mew or Celebi.

I'm also looking for a Magmarizer or Elekids one(forgot the name)
Currently looking for:

[*]Spirit Tomb