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Meganium Prime (The Underdog grass deck)


Aspiring Trainer
Everybody has decks featuring typhlosion prime and feraligatr prime, but what about Meganium prime? I wanted to create a deck centered around this card and give the grass starter a deck. Its more or less a remake of the Venasaur/Exeggutor deck from Base set. This is a very rough decklist but it has worked well so far. keep in mind that typhlosion and feraligatr are used for one reason, theyre simply better cards. keep this in mind that this deck may not make it to worlds, but is a ton of fun to play.


meganium prime-3


prof. oak's theory-2
prof. elm's training method-2
interviwer's questions-2
pokemon communication-2
pokemon collector-2


{G} grass-14

the theme of this deck is to use meganium prime to freely move energies around and set up. He can be used as a secondary attacker doing 80 damage for 4 energies. this is mainly to stall until you pull out tangrowth and move all energies onto him. it has an attack called grind which lets you do 20 damage times the numbers of energies attached. this way you can do some very high damage in a single turn.

since tangrowth and meganium are both grass types, you can use sunflora's pokebody to draw a grass pokemon from your deck each turn for a fast setup. and with metapod on your bench, his pokebody allows you to give all of your grass pokemon no weakness (this has worked well against typhlosion/emboar/reshiram decks).

lastly blissey prime heals all damage from all your pokemon when he evolves. however you must discard all energies attached to the damaged pokemon so use meganium to move them before healing and then move them right back. and with seeker you can return him to your hand again and continue healing.

you may want to include a cleffa or pichu to draw cards, twins or blackbekt or flower shop lady to make a comback, burned tower to recover discarded energies, or even take out some energies. tell me what you guys think and hope you have fun!
Without the set of the cards, it is impossible to know which Pokemon you are running.
i def. think that max potion needs to be in this deck.
its so easy to abuse it with meganium. blissey is only gonna hurt you if you need heals, so id go for the maxes.
add two communications as well so you can get set up quicker.
and rare candy is never a bad thing.
-2 chancey
-2 blissey
+4 max potions
+2 rare candies

if im not mistaken you dont have 60 cards in this deck
is that correct or am i just bad at counting?
I would add one buterfree just for the retreat cost in case someone drags it up. Plus it has a decent 1 energy attack. Also, I think max potion works better than blissey prime. It doesn't require as much setup
Yeah 54 cards. I thought the deck was a little tight when I was working on it.

Anyway, if he evolves Metapod, it's pretty much as good as dead since he probably wants Metapod's pokebody. I don't think it matters much though. At 80 HP, if Metapod gets dragged out, it's probably going to die. Part of me wonders if Metapod should even be run given the high catcher count in Reshiram variants.

Protip. Your TSS count should be higher than your energy count. Your TSS count should probably be equal or greater than your pokemon count, and your TSS count should NEVER be lower than your energy count. I'd drop Sunkern and Sunflora too. They're great with vileplume as it's reliable search without the use of trainers, and they can't be dragged out by catcher, but without trainer lock, Sunflora's a free prize just like Metapod. Do yourself a favor and drop both of them.

Take it from a former Magneboar player. Interviewer's Questions is one of those "great in theory cards" that doesn't really work in practice. The problem is that you'll generally only draw into 2-3 energy max, and if you need something other than every, IQ isn't going to help you. Cards like Juniper or PONT or even Cheren are often better choices because they can get you energy, pokemon, and TSS, and usually at the loss of only one or two cards. Without energy acceleration, there's really no point to running this card, because even if you get lucky and get 5-6 energy, you can't even use them right away.

Last big thing (aside from TSS staples). You're going to need defender. Tangrowth has 110 HP, and since you're going to have a lot of energy on him to attack, you really don't want him to get killed by one Blue Flare or Bolt Strike. I'd run at least three defender so you can survive the revenge kill.

In summary:

-2-2 Sunflora
-2-2 Metapod
-2-2 Blissey (Blissey is nice, but very situational)
-2 Grass Energy
-2 Seeker
-2 Interviewer's Questions

+3 Rare Candy
+1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Pokemon Communication
+3 Max Potion
+3 Cheren
+1 Switch
+1 Fisherman/Energy Returner/Energy Retrieval
+2 Pokemon Catcher
+3 Junk Arm
+3 Defender
+2 Twins

This should give you a fairly viable rogue deck. You might to go with one more catcher, maybe drop a switch. The defenders are essential though: you need them in order to survive a bit hit and make use of max potion in the first place.
I'd reccomend setting up your list like so:
3-2-3 Meganium
Anyway, I would go 1-1 lines of Blissey and Sunflora. Blissey works great in decks like these and sunflora is great consistensy. 2-2 Sunflora could work, but not absouletely needed.