Ruling Meganium Unsenn Forces


Delta Trainer
Hi there ! I just wanna know if when you atack wit meganium UF you've got to put 5 damage couters on meganium and atack wit 50 more 10 for more each damage couter i put on meganium OR you atack and if you put 5 damage kouters on meganium , it takes 100 damage ?
Can you restate that again?  I have nooo idea what you just said.

But let's look at the card shall we?


Now his attack states that you can put up to 5 damage counters on Meganium UF, and then his attack does 50 damage + 10 more damage for each damage counter you put on Meganium UF that way. So basically you just get to hit 100 damage, and take the 5 damage.


Arcanine out.
Now if we were to heal the fifty damage counters off would it still do fifty plus ten for each counter. Because the card reads "each damage counter put on Meganium in this way"?
You place 5 damage counters onto Meganium UF. That's what the card's attack says. Now it might knock out Meganium, but it shouldn't unless you just misplay it.

Arcanine out.
Just to clarify, you don't have to put 5 damage counters on Meganium every time you use Bouncy Move. Bouncy Move's effect states "up to" 5, so you can choose any whole number up to 5, including zero.

A hundred to them and 50 to yourself is rather counter-productive, don't you think? :p
I was wondering about this card too. If Meganium has less than 50 HP left can you still put 5 damage counters on it to do 100 damage?
Yep. The card doesn't say you're not allowed to KO Meganium, so if you are feeling suicidal, go right ahead. :)
Just out of curiousity, what would happen if you tried liability on meganuim, then sent out typhlosion? What power would go first, healing aroma or burning aura?
That's a good question. The Compendium doesn't have anything on that, either. Since Burning Aura and Healing Aroma happen at the same time, and both players are being affected by the effects, I'd say whoever's turn it is is the one who gets to decide.

I'm not sure though. Abhorsen's a Compendium whiz, I'm sure he can help us out. :p
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
I'm not sure though. Abhorsen's a Compendium whiz, I'm sure he can help us out. :p
Lol. It's true, it's true. :p

To tell the truth, as it doesn't say who goes first, I would assume the person who just finished their turn decides which order, but that's just an assumption. I can't recall if there's any rule of which effect comes 1st based on whose turn it was. Anyway, if you really want to know I can always ask to get it confirmed... that depends if you guys want to or not.

Edit: Ok, just remembered the rules where all in-between turn effects must take place before a Pokemon is knocked out. So either way, whoever's effect goes first, Meganium still lives. Had someone confirm it for me too.
Ah cool, cheers for finding that out. I just felt like asking an awkward question, but thanks ^-^;