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Megazone (Yanmega/Magnezone)


Aspiring Trainer
Hey everybody. After Regionals and failing hard with Vilegar, I felt like I needed a better deck. Although I know I got horrible matchups and bad starts, I still feel like Vilegar is inferior to some of the less played, but still good decks out there. Originally, I was deciding between playing Dialgachomp, Gyarados, or Magnerock, but I tested them all out, and although I like Gyarados, it didn't feel like I had enough experience with it to play it at Nationals. But I did like the feel of this deck, and I'm considering playing it instead of Vilegar, or possibly Gyarados, if I get more experience with it. I could use your guy's input on which deck to play. Anyways, here is my Megazone list.​


3-3 Yanmega Prime (TR #84, TR)
2-2-2 Magnezone Prime (SF, TR, TR)
4 Spiritomb (AR)
1-1 Blissey (PL, PL)
1 Unown Q (MD)
1 Mesprit (LA)
1 Uxie (LA)
1 Crobat G (PL)
1 Smeargle (UD)

Total: 23


4 Judge
4 Junk Arm
3 Copycat
2 Seeker
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Bebe's Search
2 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
1 Twins
1 Palmer's
1 VS Seeker

Total: 27


5 Electric
3 Rescue
2 Warp

Total: 10

Strategy: Start with a Spiritomb and set up Magnezone first. Use it's draw power to set up a BTS and 1-2 Yanmega. Use Mesprit as a power lock, and Blissey as a healer when needed.

Considering Let Loose Girantina, tell me if it's a good idea or not. If I implemented one, I would also put in an Uxie.
No offence, but why do you need this combo? Magnezone takes a while to set up, aren't you better off running straight Yanmega Prime on its own? I think that Magnezone Prime slows down the format. If it's the Magnezone you want, use it with Feraligatr Prime. To be honest, I see no advantage gained by using Magnezone Prime in a Yanmega deck.
LOL! Do you even know what Magnezone does? How does it slow down the format? Straight Yanmega isn't good enough on it's own, it needs a support card for draw power and attacking things with beefy amounts of health. I understand that you probably don't play meta, but if you did, you would understand.
Well, i also run a magnezone yanmega deck and the purpose of the deck is to swarm with yanmega
magnezone is only for drawing upto your opponent's hand and used as a last resort attacker

the deck list seems okay, but i would suggest taking out the spiritomb as it really isnt needed for a speed deck.
you can setup magnezone as a low priority using candy.
also i would bump the yanmega line to 4-4 just for more consistancy

in my deck, i like to run sunflora, as it helps seek out yanmegas as well as helping you get an extra card to match your opponent's hand.
i also like a vespiquen to help against snipe decks. also combee can come in handy as it does 80dmg and poison
Those seem like more rogue ideas, and this is intended to be meta. Spiritomb is a starter, and because I play few trainers, and the trainers aren't necessary to set the deck up, I use Spiritomb to set myself up. It works very well and I don't intend on taking it out. Also, I don't really need Sunflora because I only run a 3-3 Yanmega Prime for grass Pokemon. I would put in another 1-1 and will update the list when I get one. Thanks.
@Dia If I didn't know what Magnezone prime did, I wouldn't post here. I was referring to the amount of time taken to set up Magnezone and Yanmega using just Spiritomb and supporters. You need Rare Candies all the way if you are using a Stage 2. Also I have played meta, I just dont have the resources for a good deck.
Rare Candies are not necessary as Spiritombs are used to set up. I am not taking out Magnezone or Spiritomb - they are staples of the deck.
Ok, but ever thought of Azelf LA? It might come in handy if the cards you need are Prizes.
Yeah, I noted that I may implement a "Let Loose" Girantina, and if I did, I would also put in an Azelf. But as of now, there is no singular Pokemon that is completely necessary to my deck. I still may put one in, though.
I don't like the idea of running crobat g unless you have super scoop ups or poke turn. I would suggest switching it for another Uxie to help with drawing. Just one down fall with running "Let Loose" giratina is that you draw first and then your opponent only has to draw one or more than you. Just making sure you knew that if you did put it in. Also, just making sure you know, you need to have a trainer in your discard pile before you use junk arm. I am not trying to make you look stupid, I just like to make sure people know small rules. I would suggest another BTS if you can find the spot or maybe replace the crobat with that. Good luck with your deck
Personally I would take out of the electric energies and put in grass. Reason why is if you ever run in to DGX and you probably will his pokebody will shut off your pokebody and that will be pretty much auto loss. Personally I would run maggy. I ran a yamega prime deck but in this deck I ran 4 copy cats 4 judges and 4 bs seekers. I also ran Staraptor FB x. So I can search for my supporters.
Why the heck would I take them out for grass? Magnezone can't attack with grass. The point of this deck is to Magnezone also be an attacker. I will take out something for another Copycat, that is a good idea, thank you. And the point is that you run Magnezone as an attacker against Dialga... >.>

@ Sleeping Snorlax: I know. I use Junk Arm for VS Seeker - I try to use it early game.
I think tifton meant "take out some of the electric energies and replace them with grass." And I would still suggest taking out the crobat, unless you wouldn't mind explaining to me why you have him in there. I'm interested to hear it
I really would play test this deck VS luxchomp and dialagachomp. No I meant replace them all. If you can not get your magenzone out fast enough then you will lose. Let's put it like this. You only run 10 enegry. Lost burn requires 1 lighting and 1 colorless. That means you only have 8 enegrys to use. To ok a DGX you will need to burn two energy or more if snow points in the way. More than likely you will get promocroaked. And you will die the next time it comes to your opponent turn. This deck will be good for BR but not for Nationals I will beat that there will be more use of DGX. You need those grass energy. Also what would you do if DGX is on the bench. You don't run enough energy for magnezone to be a viable second attacker
@ Sleeping Snorlax: Yeah, I plan on taking it out. Sorry I didn't note that. It's not really very useful.

@ Tiftonhotchild: So then you are basing the changes of my deck completely off of one matchup? I am going to keep the Electrics, and taking time to load up Yanmega is just too excruciating. I realize that Magnezone is prone to be Promocroaked, but isn't every electric Pokemon? I'm not not going to run electric energies to attack with Luxray GL Lv. X in a Luxchomp just because there is a card that can easily knock it out. I realize that this may be a slightly different circumstance, but it would make no sense to run just grass energy. Also, Magnezone can one hit Dialga G Lv. X - Yanmega cannot.
I would run one sunyshore. I think it's worth it to kill off the fighting weakness since promocloak, donphan, and Machamps can really hurt you if you're forced to use Magnezone as your attacker. if anything, it'll buy you one turn. maybe a bubble coat. but one of those things to get you at least to the point where they can't OHKO your magnezone.
maybe take out one junk arm for a bubble or a sunyshore.

can't really think of anything else to add to make it work better than what you've got listed.
...wait, you don't want to run Gyarados for Nationals because of inexperience?
Silly reason. You have 2 and a half months.
Also with those new BW rules, Gyarados has the chance to set up fully T1.
Superior to most SP decks if it can set up faster, and do 110 damage from the get go. (110 being the magic number of SP)

but yeah, Megazone doesn't seem very good. Sniping for 40, or 90 with an Ebelt. x2 to Electricity.
You'll be too slow for SP (Unless you start off with a judge/copy cat, BTS, Yanma, Yanmega, and an Ebelt)
If you're so gung ho on Yanmega, use it with Jumpluff as a tech/secondary attacker.
If you're so gung ho on Magnezone, use Magnegatr/Magnerock.

You run 10 energy, so you'll either 2 shot anything (And against SP, which you will set a lot of at Nats, won't cut it)
or use 3 energy for 3 KOs, leaving you with one energy, and then using Yanmega to struggle the rest of the match.

Honestly, your best bet is your Gyarados deck, with the new BW rules, it'll be better than usual. (The recovery is superb with Rescue energy, or warp-seeker-bts, endless options)

Cool Rogue deck, but will definitely fall short at Nats.
Probably a great league deck.

(15/16 of topcut at Vancouver Regionals were LuxChomp. Just saying.
and 8/16ish of topcut were Luxchomp, and LuxChomp won
If you want to be serious, you have to able to combat LuxChomp evenly.)
I'm not planning on playing this at Nationals. I am playing Gyarados or Vilegar. This is too rogue and isn't competitive.
Dia said:
Hey everybody. After Regionals and failing hard with Vilegar, I felt like I needed a better deck. Although I know I got horrible matchups and bad starts, I still feel like Vilegar is inferior to some of the less played, but still good decks out there. Originally, I was deciding between playing Dialgachomp, Gyarados, or Magnerock, but I tested them all out, and although I like Gyarados, it didn't feel like I had enough experience with it to play it at Nationals. But I did like the feel of this deck, and I'm considering playing it instead of Vilegar, or possibly Gyarados, if I get more experience with it. I could use your guy's input on which deck to play. Anyways, here is my Megazone list.

Don't contradict yourself, silly.
You were defending this vehemently, and then someone comes and know what they're taking about, and you back down.

Anyways, Gyarados will reign supreme unless we have a mid-season rotation.
You should post a Gyarados list, to get some ideas going, but keep your final one to yourself.
lol this guy is funny i thought this was a deck that you were taking to nats or battle roads. Well since its a fun deck then go with what you feel but on a side note you might want to put in the title fun deck. Good Luck