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Megazone (Yanmega/Megazone)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 19

4-1-3 Magnezone Prime
4-3 Yanmega Prime
1-0-1 Kingdra Prime
1 Pachirisu
1 Cleffa

T/S/S: 31

4 Pokemon Collector
3 Sage's Training
3 Judge
3 N
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Max Potion
3 Junk Arm
1 Super Rod
2 Switch

Energy: 10

7 Lightning
1 Rescue
2 Rainbow

Strategy: Open Yanmega in most matchups. Drag out and KO basic pokemon for cheap prizes and disrupting their infrastructure. Judge, Sages, and Trainers help even hands in order to do this. Kingdra is for the extra 10 damage to bring down 50 HP basics on the bench for 80 HP stage 1s in the active spot, or to soften up tornadus for one energy lost burn. Magnezone is for the heavier targets that Yanmega is incapable of handling such as Zekrom and Magnezone. Currently my biggest problem has been against Zekrom. Tyram I can usually handle if I play smart, but ZPST has beaten any Primetime decklist I've made with impunity. Megazone took the top two at my regionals despite a very dragon heavy meta, so it's obvious at least to me that Primetime is persevering against Dragons, but I don't know what they're using to accomplish this (skill is a factor yes, but these skilled players must surely know a way to deal with ZPST's speed and type advantage over their main fast attacker).

So yeah, I'm interested in how to deal with Dragons. My meta is full of them (in addition to some Vileplume variants and stage 1s). Anything to improve my Tyram matchup is great, but the thing that's really stumped me is Zekrom, and I need a solid answer to that so I might play this at Cities. Any advice is welcome. Thanks you all.
Hey! After reading through your list for MegaJudge I have a few suggestions for the TyRam and Dragon matchup in general. I went to regionals last weekend with a close friend's deck list and I faced 2 TyRam, 1 ReshiBoar, and 1 ZPS. I won all those games through sheer disruption and smart catcher plays. I am in no way calling you a bad player, but I feel this deck takes a lot of work going against dragons. With that being said I have some changes you may or may not try, but I recommend them.

Sages Training, for me at least, doesn't fit in this deck. There are way too many important cards that can potentially be lost through sages. I've had times where I had to chuck 2-3 vital cards for late game advantage just because I needed a quick setup. I would remove all 3. N is another card I don't think fits in this deck. The way Me and my team play this deck we use Yanmega early game for quick prizes and usually by turn 4-5 you should be up a prize. N itself is a good card yet it just doesn't feel right to run a card that has a Judge-like ability, but doesn't give you equal hand count. I would remove all 3 as well.

For your trainers, I see where you find max potion useable since Yanmega attacks for free virtually, but your playing rainbow energy and also you should be attaching a rescue or a lone lightning energy to prepare Magnezone Prime without risking losing 3-4 Energy at a time. I would remove that as well.

Now for the Pokemon, 4-1-3 lines of Magnezone seem really perfect, but if you want a better matchup against dragons your going to need an extra magnezone to tank damage and return the favor with a OHKO. 1-0-1 Lines of Kingdra can be very inconsistent whether it be a Kingdra or Horsea prized or starting with a lone Horsea and having to burn energy to retreat or use a switch. 1 Cleffa is fine, but I prefer an extra because late games you might need to eeeek and its good hand refresh. 1 Pachirisu is also fine but with an extra Magnezone in the let you might wan't to add an extra for more stable damage (its also a pretty good donker!).

As For your energy I wouldn't recommend Rainbow energy because you should be able to match hand sizes each turn. I would take out the rainbows for more Lightning.

These are my suggestions:
-1 Kingdra
-1 Horsea
-3 Sages Training
-3 N
-1 Max Potion
-2 Rainbow Energy

+1 Magnezone
+1 Magneton
+1 Pachirisu
+1 Cleffa
+1 Judge
+2 Copycat
+3 Lightning Energy
+1 Rescue Energy

Your lit should look something like this:

4-2-4 Magenzone Prime
3-4 Yanmega Prime
2 Pachirisu
2 Cleffa

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Judge
2 Copycat
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Rare Candy
3 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Switch
1 Super Rod

10 Lightning Energy
2 Rescue Energy
Hmmm. I'll give it a try. I made some updates myself and it's funny to see how different they ended up being (though I also pitched Sage's for the very same reasons you listed). I'll probably make some practice runs on playTCG before I make it official though (needing another Magnezone Prime and Pachirisu X_X). I sorta disagree with removing N, but I like the rest of the deck idea a lot. Thanks.
I have a question about this deck. I know Pachi can attatch energy to only itself. Do you attack with him, or do you have a way to move energy to Magnezone, or am I just plain missing something? The way I usually see is with Shaymin, but tnere isn't one in your list.
PichuJumpluffMaster said:
I have a question about this deck. I know Pachi can attatch energy to only itself. Do you attack with him, or do you have a way to move energy to Magnezone, or am I just plain missing something? The way I usually see is with Shaymin, but tnere isn't one in your list.

Magnezone can Lost Zone other Pokémon's energy.