BW/BW2 Meguroko on two legs or an evo?



Saw this picture while browsing dA, so now is this just meguroko on two hind legs, or his possible evo?
Could be, I always though Meguroko looked like an evil possesed version of Totodile but instead of being Water Type it's Ground/Dark Type. Hence the evil eyes.
Err, it's not fake. Look at the video WPM put up on 8/18. This was extracted from there.

Looks like an evo to me, anyway.
think meguroko will be 4 legged. sugimori art shows how they look normally. dont think its evo would get on 2 legs either, would seem like a feraligatr clone and i dont want anyone bashing crookodune.
i know right? feraligatr ftw and meguroko can 2 as long as he stays on all fours.

i know right? feraligatr ftw and meguroko can 2 as long as he stays on all fours.
Maybe it can walk upright AND on all fours? And the spriters used this pose because it's easier?
It looks too much like Meguroko, I don't think its evo's only change is that it stands up haha! Although, who knows!
Since it's confirmed real, does anyone know the Pokemon since R/B/G in the Pokemon League and Gyms (maybe other important Places) that's silver and is on a platform? Maybe this is it for Isshu.
It seems to be sitting like how a dog sits. We need clearer pictures to actually make out how it is sitting. Why is how it is sitting important? Also it is not an evo. Why do people think that it is an evo if it is sitting weirdly?
Because we haven't gotten news in a while, so they feel like blowing things way out of proportion.
The color and all seem the same and it is sitting weirdly. Thats the only thing I see. We need clearer images so we can tell how it is standing/sitting or if it is an evo (I highly doubt it).

The Pokemon might seem like its on two legs, but probably its just standing normally we need clearer images to actually know for sure.