Pokemon Mentions of Pokemon in unexpected places


Poochena Trainer
I was flipping through channels and ended up on Food Network. One of my fave shows was on so I decided to stop and see what was going on today. The show was Molto Mario. For anyone wh doesn't know, he is a well known chef with Italian style. Now why do I bring up a cooking show for Pokemon? He was making some dough for something similar to pizza and said that it was more fun if you cut the dough into irregular shapes. He sliced one and said it looked like a state. He then slices another one and said that it looked like a Pokemon. I caught a glimpse of the dough and if I were to guess, I would have said Bulbasaur's shadow. It's wierd because he just simply dd a curved line on a ball of dough and it came up in that shape. I just thought it was neat that he would refer to Pokemon at all though. He also make a joke when he finished with the dough cooking (fried it and was topping it) that you need to be careful when dealing with states and pokemon. *chuckle* Just thought I'd share.
lol, thats kinda cute :3 i have a question, though. did he actually say pokemon, or did he say poke-MAN >_< lol. most people who dont know about pokemon say that >_>
Oh, yeah? I remember when I saw the "Dudley Do-Right" movie once. I surprised to here the narrator saying that this sensei-guy Dudley came to see had an "expansive (not sure if it was the right word) collection of Pokemon".:p
Mario actually said it correctly. That was also the scary thing. I've never heard if he has kids or nieces/nephews. He may actually know something about it.
That is interesting and cool too.:)
My teacher was talking about somehting in elementary school and she used pokemon as an example for something and she pronounced it pokamin. ^__^
Well pokemon has been mentioned in the simpsons before. In one episode Homer and Bart watch an episode of "kids say the darndest things" and the kid says he is into pokemon. And when the simpsons go to Japan Bart starts watching an anime on TV which is said to cause epilectic fits and the whole family end up on the floor with fits. This is a reference to the banned pokemon episode "electric soldier porygon". Just thought I would share that.
Codename Kids Next Door has spoofs of just about everything Pop culture, & in a few episodes they show a kid with the same clothes as pre-Hoenn Ash.