I was in a league cup finals 3rd game playing a sceptile EX Ariados deck against a yvetalEx and ref yvetal deck and I had 3 prize cards remaining he had two. He had one yvetal full set up and a couple non set up yvetals on his bench. He has 60 damage on him and had a fighting fury belt. I was well set up. On my turn I got lucky and sycamored and got a fighting fury belt. Thinking I had it in the bag, I used ariadoses ability and sceptile's attack... except I did the math wrong and didn't attach fighting fury belt because I wanted to save it just in case another Pokemon needed it. The yvetal survived with 10 health and one shot me..... I had the game in the bag too. Lost a league cup champion playmat and sleeves that said league cup champ.
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