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Standard Metagross-GX


Aspiring Trainer
VERSION 2.0 (MAY 7th, 2018)

So this is my 2nd try at making Metagross-GX great!
  • 4 - Beldum GRI
  • 2 - Metang GRI
  • 4 - Metagross-GX GRI
  • 3 - Tapu Lele-GX GRI
  • 1 - Dusk Mane Necrozma-GX UPR
  • 1 - Dialga-GX UPR
  • 1 - Alolan Vulpix GRI
  • 1 - Dhelmise GRI
  • 4 - Professor Sycamore
  • 4 - Guzma
  • 2 - Brigette
  • 2 - Cynthia
  • 2 - N
  • 4 - Ultra Ball
  • 4 - Rare Candy
  • 4 - Choice Band
  • 3 - Max Potion
  • 2 - Enhanced Hammer
  • 2 - Field Blower
  • 1 - Rescue Stretcher
  • 8 - Metal Energy
  • 1 - Psychic Energy
EDIT (May 3rd, 2018 @ 3:38pm)
- This deck doesn't include Forbidden Light because I'm considering playing this at Toronto Regionals next weekend (May 11-13th). Forbidden Light won't be legal.
- If you want to add something that is in Forbidden Light, I'll still look into it as feedback for future tournaments! Thanks!!!


EDIT (May 7th, 2018 @ 9:20pm)
- Made the changes that PlatinumDude & Gumball recommended last week, tested it and went very well!
- I kept Dialga-GX in the deck, because you never know if you need to use the GX attack late in the game and if Hoopa (Scoundrel Guard) is in the active and I could use Shred to get through it.
- I made a slight change, adding Enhanced Hammers because of the amount of Special Energy in the format (Buzzwole w/ Strong Energy, Zoroark w/ DCE, and the odd decks w/ Unit Energy and/or Counter Energy)

-3 Psychic Energy
-1 Kartana-GX
-1 Necrozma-GX
-1 Pokémon Ranger
-1 Professor Kukui
-1 Skyla
-1 Heavy Ball
-1 Pal Pad

+2 Metal Energy
+2 Enhanced Hammer
+1 Dusk Mane Necrozma-GX
+1 Alolan Vulpix
+1 Guzma
+1 Cynthia
+1 Choice Band
+1 Max Potion


What do you think of my list? What other cards do you think could work with this? What changes would you make?

Last edited:
Ranger isn't necessary for Metagross decks because you can get around Giga Hammer's drawback by manually retreating to a new Metagross and using Geotech System to reattach the lost energies. Max out on the Max Potions too since your Metagross may be taking a lot of damage throughout the game. Add in Alolan Vulpix so you can search out your evolution pieces quicker.
Ranger isn't necessary for Metagross decks because you can get around Giga Hammer's drawback by manually retreating to a new Metagross and using Geotech System to reattach the lost energies. Max out on the Max Potions too since your Metagross may be taking a lot of damage throughout the game. Add in Alolan Vulpix so you can search out your evolution pieces quicker.
This is all true, and should be taken to heart.

Drop Necrozma and 3 Psychic for Dusk Mane and 3 Metal. Dusk Mane blows everything up, sets right back up, and does far more than Necrozma. You need high metal count because Metagross is your main attacker, not Necrozma. Skyla, Kukui, Ranger, Pal Pad, and Kartana aren't needed, and you should be playing more draw support/Max Potions. 4 Choice Band is also a solid play in Metagross. I see Heavy Ball being a decent card, but probably cut that for the Vulpix.

-1 Kartana-GX
-1 Necrozma-GX
-1 Kukui
-1 Skyla
-1 Pokemon Ranger
-1 Pal Pad
-1 Heavy Ball
-3 Psychic Energy

+1 Dusk Mane Necrozma-GX
+1 Alolan Vulpix GRI
+1 Cynthia
+1 N
+1 Choice Band
+2 Max Potion
+3 Metal Energy

These are my suggestions. Dialga isn't needed, but you can pull off cute plays with it. It can go for the 4th Guzma tbh.
Ranger isn't necessary for Metagross decks because you can get around Giga Hammer's drawback by manually retreating to a new Metagross and using Geotech System to reattach the lost energies. Max out on the Max Potions too since your Metagross may be taking a lot of damage throughout the game. Add in Alolan Vulpix so you can search out your evolution pieces quicker.
This is all true, and should be taken to heart.

Drop Necrozma and 3 Psychic for Dusk Mane and 3 Metal. Dusk Mane blows everything up, sets right back up, and does far more than Necrozma. You need high metal count because Metagross is your main attacker, not Necrozma. Skyla, Kukui, Ranger, Pal Pad, and Kartana aren't needed, and you should be playing more draw support/Max Potions. 4 Choice Band is also a solid play in Metagross. I see Heavy Ball being a decent card, but probably cut that for the Vulpix.

-1 Kartana-GX
-1 Necrozma-GX
-1 Kukui
-1 Skyla
-1 Pokemon Ranger
-1 Pal Pad
-1 Heavy Ball
-3 Psychic Energy

+1 Dusk Mane Necrozma-GX
+1 Alolan Vulpix GRI
+1 Cynthia
+1 N
+1 Choice Band
+2 Max Potion
+3 Metal Energy

These are my suggestions. Dialga isn't needed, but you can pull off cute plays with it. It can go for the 4th Guzma tbh.

I really like those changes, never really though of the Alolan Vulpix for help grabbing the evolutions for Metagross.
I was usually using Necrozma for Black Ray GX against heavy GX/EX decks, but I do get where your coming from being not use as much as Dusk Mane, and I totally agree with your statement with Max Potions maxed out in the deck.
Ranger would only be used if I know my Metagross-GX can't be knockout next turn, or when facing Greninja with it's Shadow Snitching attack, but I'll remove it for testing this weekend.
I'll try out these changes and see how changes go.

Thanks PlatinumDude and Gumball! :D
Added this to bottom of first post

- Made the changes that PlatinumDude & Gumball recommended last week, tested it and went very well!
- I kept Dialga-GX in the deck, because you never know if you need to use the GX attack late in the game and if Hoopa (Scoundrel Guard) is in the active and I could use Shred to get through it.
- I made a slight change, adding Enhanced Hammers because of the amount of Special Energy in the format (Buzzwole w/ Strong Energy, Zoroark w/ DCE, and the odd decks w/ Unit Energy and/or Counter Energy)

-3 Psychic Energy
-1 Kartana-GX
-1 Necrozma-GX
-1 Pokémon Ranger
-1 Professor Kukui
-1 Skyla
-1 Heavy Ball
-1 Pal Pad

+2 Metal Energy
+2 Enhanced Hammer
+1 Dusk Mane Necrozma-GX
+1 Alolan Vulpix
+1 Guzma
+1 Cynthia
+1 Choice Band
+1 Max Potion

If there any other suggestions/questions, let me know!
Thanks everyone!