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Metal Flower (Cobalion/Vileplume)

have you tried using Scizor prime? I had the same idea once and it's not a bad one but seriously scizor would go good with you especially when your facing pokemon like mew/zoroark using DCE/Rainbow Scizor will just shake it off like it's nothing and keep going in a format where sspecial energy cards are popular (Tornadus almost always have DCE attached) scizor is not a bad card then you have zoroark to cover reshi it's not half bad just needs a few tweaks here and there this is how I think you should edit your current list:

-2 Zekrom (not really necessary here if you have zoroark)
-1 Cryingola (this deck isn't that desperate to kill donphan is it?)
-1 skarmory (this guy is really good in the beginning but after that he's just prize bait)
-1 twins (you will not be using this as much as you think you will.... trust me I run 3 twins in my lock deck and it works just fine)
-3 Rainbow energy (if you don't have zekrom you don't need this)
-1 - 3 evolite (evolite is just usless if you happen to get a T2-3 lock, chances are you'll only be able to attach one evolite at best... it's a good card but it doesn't work well with vileplume)
-1 DCE (zoroark is your only pokemon that will use this card)

+ 3-3 Scizor Prime (like I said it works really well)
+ 3 Chearn (for draw support)
+1-3 Metal energy (for consistency)

anyways I hope I helped :)
Just making a short edit here:

If you want to find room for 2 Seeker, drop 2 PONT. 4 is never needed, and honestly, 4 Twins is a good enough engine to grab everything you need.

- 2 PONT

+ 2 Seeker

Here's another option you may want to consider: Slowking HGSS. I actually tried Cobalion + Vileplume, and to abuse Iron Breaker to its fullest, Slowking can prevent your opponent from drawing into more energy. Honestly, I think you really only need a 3-1-2/1 Vileplume/Bellossom line, because once Vileplume is up, you don't need another. Unless testing with that line has been going well for you:

- 1 - 1 - 1 Vileplume UD

+ 1 - 2 Slowking HGSS (2 Slowking seems a little odd, but with 2 Slowking, you almost always prevent Slowking from being prized when you need it, and starting Slowpoke is horrid, so having one always works whether it is prized or not. Test it either way, but I find it easier to get out a Slowking with 2 instead of 1, and also preventing a Slowpoke start.)

So yeah, not much of a help, but you wanted to fit Seeker, so I tried to cram 2 of them in. If you want me to be really nitpicky, I suggest you drop another Skarmory for either a third Vileplume (which I do not suggest greatly), or another Basic Metal. Either way, 3 Skarmory can still give you a consistent start with it.

Hope this helped.
Stuart Hayden said:
Uh. You are looking at a really old build.
The current build is like...3 posts above you and in the OP.

xP oh sorry lol

I still think however you should try and make scizor fit tho :3
Giant necro bump.
I almost quit the game because all 3 of my decks got stolen last week. Including this deck.

But the players at my local league gave me enough to cards that I am only a few short from rebuilding this current deck. And now with Next Destinies coming out I decided to update it.

Pokemon (20)
1 Cleffa
2 Mewtwo EX
4 Cobalion (NV)
4 Skarmory
4-2-3 Vileplume

T/S/S (26)
2 Seeker
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 N
4 Twins
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Rare Candy
4 Sages Training
4 Pokemon Collector

Energy (14)
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Metal Energy (Special)
6 Metal Energy