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Mew Jadester's Trade Thread. I'm back! H: Stuff W: Stuff.

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Mew Jadester's Trade Thread.

1. I live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
2. No buying or selling in this thread.
3. ALL of my Deck and Set wants are to be Reverse foil, ONLY, unless specified.
4. Older cards from Neo Series and before does not count to this above rule. Same goes for Promos and Japanese cards.
5. No traders with negative references are allowed (Stupid neg refs wont be counted).
6. Reference rules applies. Lower refs send first.
7. All cards/items are in MINT condition unless specified. In most cases, Rev foils is usually Near Mint.
8. Please say JADESTER, that you have read the following rules above. Please add this word to your first post in my thread. Failture to do so, you will be ignored until you add in this word.
9. Have fun.
10. If you do believe that you have traded with me in the past and havent left an itrader ref, please do so, and I'll return the favour.
11. I will NOT CHECK LISTS (CML's).[/SIZE]

Xx Luxray GL Lv.X
Xx 2010 Players Reward Energies (any, sealed or not)

3x Charizard (Arceus)
1x Manectric (Platinum)
4x Volkner's Philpsphy (Rising Rivals)
2x Judge (Unleashed)
3x Rare Candy (Unleashed)
2x Super Scoop Up (Unleashed)
1x Pokemon Rescue (Platinum)
3x Pokemon Collector (HeartGold & SoulSilver)
6x Pokemon Communication (HeartGold & SoulSilver)
6x Double Colorless Energy (HeartGold & SoulSilver)

1x Silver Alph Lithograph UL
2x Entei & Raikou LEGEND (Top) UL
2x Entei & Raikou LEGEND (Bottom) UL
1x Suicune & Entei LEGEND (Bottom) UL
1x Natu UL
1x Xatu UL
1x Mankey UL
1x Sudowoodo UL
1x Fearow UL
1x Tropius UL
1x Turtwig UL
1x Magmar UL
1x Floatzel UL
1x Plusle UL
1x Lucario UL
1x Misdreavus UL
1x Beldum UL
1x Salamence AR8
1x Dome Fossil AR91
1x Beldum SV90
1x Buneary SV94
1x Cherubi SV96
1x Combee SV99
1x Pikachu SV120
1x Turtwig SV131
1x Zubat SV133
1x Gliscor LA5
1x Charmander SW
1x Shellos West Sea SW

1x Mew (Pokemon Rumble stamped)
2x Mew (Pop 5 Holo)
Xx Japanese Mews (Just list what you got)
1x Lucario (Prerelease Stamped)
1x Heatran (Regionals Stamped)
1x Shellos West Sea (Comiccon? Stamped)
Xx Pop 9 cards (Just ask list you got)
1x Garchomp C (Regionals promo)
3x Garchomp SV (Nationals promo)
Xx League promos (Just list what you got)

I do have set wants from older sets - just click it on here for more info.[/SIZE]

1x Typhlosion Prime (Set)
1x Feraligatr Prime (Promo)
1x Lanturn Prime
3x Steelix Prime

Level X's
3x Garchomp C (Set)
1x Uxie
1x Azelf
1x Gallade 4
2x Gengar
1x Dusknoir
2x Mewtwo (Promo)
2x Dialga G
1x Infernape 4
4x Palkia G
2x Palkia (Promo)
1x Tangrwoth
1x Shaymin (Land Forme)
2x Machamp
1x Gliscor
1x Salamence
1x Staraptor
1x Porygon-Z
1x Absol
1x Honchkrow


1x Shiny Duskull
2x Time Space Distortion
1x Charmeleon (W Stamped)
1x Luxio (States STAFF stamped)
1x Blastoise (Unleashed promo)
3x Gyarados (Theme Deck Holo)
2x Porygon-Z (Black star Promo)


1x Kingdra LA
3x Gardevoir SW
7x Palkia G
1x Blaziken FB
2x Dialga G
2x Gallade SW
5x Luxray GL
1x Shaymin UL
1x Jirachi UL
1x Ninetales HS
2x Jirachi RR
2x Mewtwo MD
1x Azelf MT
1x Staraptor FB
1x Hitmontop HS
2x Torterra UL
1x Giratina PT (Let Loose)

Rev Holo's

2x Horsea UL
2x Seadra UL
1x Seadra LA
1x Kingdra LA
1x Palkia G
3x Dialga G
1x Gallade SW
2x Blastoise UL
1x Wartortle UL
1x Squirtle UL
1x Shaymin UL
1x Tyranitar UL
1x Steelix UL
1x Magmortar UL
1x Metagross UL
1x Garchomp SV
1x Unown G
1x Unown Q
2x Nidoqueen RR
1x Leafeon RR
2x Leafeon MD
3x Eevee MD
1x Chatot MD
1x Ambipom G
1x Gengar SF
1x Onix SF
1x Sneasel LA
1x Weavile LA
1x Drifblim FB
1x Octillery UL
1x Buizel UL
1x Magikarp SV
1x Larvitar UL (Mountain Eater)
1x Cyndaquil MT
1x Aipom UL
1x Paras HS
1x Grotle UL
1x Hoppip UL
3x Skiploom UL
3x Absol G
3x Porygon GE
3x Porygon2 GE
3x Squirtle PT
3x Giratina PT(Let Loose)

Rev Holo's (Trainers & Energies)

2x SP Energy RR
1x Cyclone Energy SF
1x Multi Energy MT
1x Rainbow Energy UL
3x Team Galactic Wager MT
3x TM-TS01 LA
3x TM-TS02 LA
2x Cynthias Feelings LA
1x Lucians Assignment RR
3x Warp Point MD
3x Dawn Stadium MD
1x Memory Berry PT
2x Super Scoop Up MD
1x Pokemon Circulator UL
1x Cheerleader's Chant UL
1x Life Herb UL
3x Broken Time Space PT
9x Bebe's Search (4 MT, 4 SW, 1 RR)
1x Cyrus' Conspiracy PT
1x Poketurn PT
1x Bench Shield AR
1x Energy Gain PT
2x Pokedrawer+ SF
1x Luxury Ball SF
1x Engineer's Adjustments UL

Non Holo Trainers & Energies

Just ask! Very good chances I would have em.

Non Holo Pokemon (Any rariety)

Just ask! Very good chances I would have em.

I added your Country in the first line to prevent any trouble.

Good luck trading again. =3
Hey Jadester.. (Did i do this right? :O)
First of all, i dont understand your rule number #3. Do you mean all of your wants have to be Reverse holo? (Unless the specials that you can't find in Reverse holo, example a prerelease card)

I have:
1x Mew (Pokemon Rumble Stamped)
1x Lucario (PL Prerelease Stamped)
1x Manaphy (POP9)(Non-holo)
1x Manectric (Platinum)
I want:
1x Torterra (Unleashed)
1x Lanturn Prime (Unleashed)
1x Feraligatr Prime (Promo) >> I won't give that much, i mean, its a promo after all.

Can we work something out? :D
The Poke Skiller: I can do Lanturn Prime + Torterra for Mew rumble stamped, Manaphy P9, Lucario PR Stamped and Manectric... Is that Manectric reverse holo? LMK.

I have:
2 Judge RH
1 Pokémon Coll. RH
Misdreavus RH UL
Tropius RH UL
Natu RH UL
Mankey RH UL
Sudowudo RH UL
Floatzel RH UL
Judge RH UL
Pikachu RH SV 120/147

All are NM - slight scratches only viewable up close in light.

I want:
Steelix prime
Steelix Prime
Blaziken FB

2x Judge RH
Misdreavus RH UL
Tropius RH UL
Natu RH UL
Mankey RH UL
Sudowudo RH UL
Floatzel RH UL
Pikachu RH SV 120/147

CML for these!!!!

1x Uxie X
1x Azelf X
Palkia G X
Palkia (Promo) X
Shaymin (Land Forme) X
2x Machamp X BIG WANT!!!!!!
1x Porygon-Z Second BIGGEST WANT@@@
3x Gyarados (Theme Deck Holo)

1x Natu UL
1x Xatu UL holo
1x Mankey UL
1x Sudowoodo UL holo
1x Fearow UL
1x Tropius UL
1x Turtwig UL
1x Magmar UL
1x Floatzel UL
1x Plusle UL
1x Lucario UL
1x Misdreavus UL
1x Beldum UL

for your: lanturn prime or steelix prime?
pm if your interested
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