Mew* or Mew ex(lm)

i do like the energy search move, but i dont like losing two prize cards or losing those two for only 20 more hp. I also dont really care about using my own moves, so mew*is much more appealing to me.
if the oppo has not good attack for you mew* is 1space in the deck lose.
if ypu use mew ex you have an own strategy and all is calculated..
i think mew ex is stronger..
well i'm not saying to base a deck around mew* because you can only have 1 in your deck but as a TECH or to just throw your opponent off and use one of his attacks i prefer mew* just because i'd rather not lose two prizes, and i only use it to use my oppenants attacks if they dont have any good attacks then hopefully i can retreat it (but if i cant then i dont have any bench making mew exs ability to use your own attacks useless) if i cant then i'll just have to wait for someone to come into play that is worth copying or to draw one of my own good pokemon. The only problem is if they evolve it into someone and OHKO's me but i only lose 1 prize compared to if that happens to mew ex you lose two prizes.
mew ex (lm) is way better. look what its done to mewtrick. yeah, i hate mewtrick, but mew ex is valuable. mew star's attacks aren't great, as u need more energy, actually, different energy, to do real damage to your opponent.
Dudeman1993 said:
as u need more energy, actually, different energy, to do real damage to your opponent.
what do you mean by that? can mew ex do a fire attack using electric energys (example)?
i also forgot to mention that now gardevoir ex delta can shut down mew ex very easily with the imprisonment markers that are a huge pain to remove. Mew* on the other hand cannot be affected by this. I'm still curious about the statement i mentioned above.
i agree, mew ex EXLM is a way better card, but i'm going to try and build a mew deck with both in it, maybe also include mew ex EXHP for some more variety. mew* is no where near as good as ex from EXLM but it makes for a very interesting tech. Oh and mew is my favorite pokemon!
Mew * can be good, but needs way too much energy for a 70hp pokemon. Mew EX won't likely be OHKOed. Most pokemon (especially now) do around 80 damage max, which is just enough for Mew to make a good comeback.
sorry i couldn't get to you! Its first attack is mimicry, which copies an attack your opponent has. But you have to have the necessary energy. 2nd attack is rainbow wave. u choose one basic energy attached to mew *, and then it does 20 to each type that are the same as the energy u chose. Pretty hectic.
my question was about mex ex and if it needs the energys like mew* does. example can mew ex use a grass attack with water energys?
Mew ex from Legend Maker is 100% better the Mew ex from Holon Phantoms.
In other words if you are copying Delta blast for salamance ont he opponents bench, you need the fires, the metals or something that will substitute like a multi or delta rainbow. So in other words you still have to do the attack in every way, you can just choose which, is all.
PKM4 said:
Mew ex from Legend Maker is 100% better the Mew ex from Holon Phantoms.
Not 100%. More around 93%, since it was decent in some stuff as a tech.

Mew EX LM is a good card to base a deck around, Mew EX HP is a card that you should use a tech, Mew * shouldn't be used.

Arcanine out.
Mew* is a good card, it just isn't really playable. In theory it could do some massive damage, but it really doesn't make the cut.