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Mew/Rhyperior for 3rd Masters Cities

RE: Mew/Rhyperior for Masters Cities

>~<;; These statistics are driving me crazy. Play trainers, get trainers, and eventually, smash stuff. Get rid of the pokedex if you want, plus twins, and whatever else. I just can't stand no real speed in decks.

It really won't be that difficult to see off jumpluff. Same concept as rhyperior without the discard of 5 cards. Not as big of a hitter ether, but still fun. Mew has a lot of interesting combinations, till lost world comes out. Then mew can loose some steam.
Right now I'm trying to figure out what to run to counter Dialga G Lv. X. I can easily take out anything else. But I can't use the body to copy attacks with Time Crystal in play.
didn't you have drifblim in there? isnt that a perfect dialga/mewtwo x counter?

AND - how did you lose to luxray/garchomp/dialga with Umbreon?
^No, drifblim isn't the perfect counter. first, it takes three energy to take DGX away. And its not a knockout. It just gets rid of it. So they took two prizes while you're building up. Secondly, it does nothing if DGX is on the bench.

I lost to DGX/luxray because he leveled up his DGX and immediately retreated it. Then he played a lightning on a lux GL, moved a DCE, played two crobats, and trash bolt for a total of 90 damage on umbreon.
If you are set on running drifblim, reversals are necessary. Or a poke like muk that drags them up. The bad thing about muk is when he attacks, they can turn dialga and have him back in 2 turns. Another little thing is 2-2 blaziken. Just make sure to save one rescue for blaziken, cuz he will get knocked quick if chomps around.

Its a long shot tech, but a flygon X will get rid of that problem. Not much help other than that though with his 2nd stage attack.
Guys, there is such a thing called a bench in Pokemon. Dialga X can cause enough terror warming it. In fact, it’s even worse than it being active because of the resources your losing while you’re losing to get rid of something that’s a mile more efficient than you are. I think too many people here don’t understand that good counters are always more efficient than the Pokemon they hit.

Agreed on a good counter is effective. That's why we are here. To see which "counter" works the best. What are your suggestions?
I see your point lucario, but a counter needs to be more than just efficient, it also needs to be threatening. That psychological factor is important. Honestly I'm considering putting machamps in there somehow for the scare effect.
Damn. There’s a machop in play? Well, I don’t know what to do now.

Didn’t you hear? Macheap can’t take out benched pokemon, and Uxie X could care less about Macheap’s life.

I think it is a reference to "seeing off" machamp" and using his attack. I maybe wrong though.
Are you wanting someone to say scoop if you see a dialga hit the field? It sure seems like it. You really haven't added much value to this post. How about something positive?
Well, I really can't see reliable ways to fit in a counter in a deck that mills 5 cards on its productive turns and plays no good speed at all. On another note, Judge would provide ample disruption for those consistant SP decks.

Sir, if there was a single DialgaChomp at my tournament, I'd think twice about playing this.
