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Mewbox (Jwok Box)


Aspiring Trainer
Mewbox (Jwok Box)

Pokemon: 27
4 Mew Prime
3-1-2 Vileplume
3-3 Yanmega Prime
2 Muk
2 Jumpluff
2-2 Sunflora
1-1 Lucario CL
1 Zoroark

Trainers: 4

2 Rare Candy
2 Pokemon Communication

Supporters: 14
4 Pokemon collector
4 Judge
3 Professor Oaks New Theory
3 Twins
1 Flower Shop Lady

Energies: 14
5 Psychic
4 Rainbow
3 Grass
1 Rescue Energy

Strategy: See off Jumpluff/Muk for early disruption while establishing a Vileplume on the bench for trainer lock

Techs: Lucario is there as a tech against Yanmega and Magnezone, one shotting both of them, while also benefiting from Lost Zoning Pokemon. Zoroark to completely dismantle Typhlosion/Reshiram. And the lone Cleffa for draw support.​

Any constructive feedback is greatly appreciated!
RE: MewLock

pokemonjoe said:
I'd take out a psychic for a rescue and include relicanth in there too

Why Relicanth? I really like Relicanth, it is going to have a stronger presence once the new sets come out ( I believe). However, I feel that while it is a beefy basic, and is able to survive long enough to LZ some pokemon, and draw, he takes away a lot of consistency that the deck really needs to be successful. The rescue would be a good addition, have you done any play testing with it, the reason I didn't add a rescue to the build is the addition of Flower Shop lady, I find it to give me more consistency instead of being a dead draw in the mid to end game. Thanks for your feedback though Joe!
RE: MewLock

I got first at my BR with it, ended up playing against a Yanmega/Magnezone for first place, when I played Riolu to my bench the guy looked so confused haha :-D
RE: MewLock

I would remove the Lucario and 2 DCE. Lucario is not good in mewbox because it can be inconsistant, and often, you will only LZ 1-2 cards, because there is not a single matchup where you will need to LZ 4 different Pokemon. I'd also take out Zorark, because if you want ti run it, just run a 1-1/2-2. Its much easier.

I'd add in
1 Aipom/ Spinirak to add to the lock
1 Crobat Prime to help against Donphan
Another Twins to set up Vileplume.

And I can't think of anything else to add. The choice is yours.
RE: MewLock

So? At least with 2 Pokemon in his Lost Zone he can OHKO a Zekrom or Magnezone with Lucario's Dimension Sphere for 140 damage although normally it would do 70 damage without weakness. Besides you're not going to LZ more than 2 Pokemon most of the time anyway unless you have board advantage but then again If you do it's not necessary.

Everyone always recommends Crobat Prime in MewBox but out of all the times I've tested it, it doesn't do that great at all. Sure you can take out babies like Cleffa, Tyrogue, or Pichu with Skill Dive, and Severe Poison is "halfway" decent against Donphan but really If it's really that big of a problem stick with Tornadus and a couple DCE.

The problem with Aipom and Spinarak for this deck is If they end up being your Starters in the deck and If you don't get a Collector in hand in time to get that See Off going. I agree that Aipom's Tail Code is amazing against Magnezone and Spinarak is nice for blocking them from retreating with Spider Web but still there's better alternatives IMO.
RE: MewLock

There is only going to be two Pokemon in the Lost Zone, Muk and Jumpluff, adding an extra 40 damage to Lucario's Dimension Sphere, 1HKO Zekrom, Magnezone, Yanmega, etc. And Zoroark is there against Reshiram/Typholosion, I would simply LZ a Zoroark over a Jumpluff/Muk depending on the situation.
RE: MewLock

Added in comments.

Card Slinger J said:
So? At least with 2 Pokemon in his Lost Zone he can OHKO a Zekrom or Magnezone with Lucario's Dimension Sphere for 140 damage although normally it would do 70 damage without weakness. Its a waste of resources. Many things can ohko a Zekrom. Besides you're not going to LZ more than 2 Pokemon most of the time anyway unless you have board advantage but then again If you do it's not necessary. Even if your ahead you shouldn't

Everyone always recommends Crobat Prime in MewBox but out of all the times I've tested it, it doesn't do that great at all. Sure you can take out babies like Cleffa, Tyrogue, or Pichu with Skill Dive, and Severe Poison is "halfway" decent against Donphan but really If it's really that big of a problem stick with Tornadus and a couple DCE. A one space tech that works ok vs a 4 space tech that, again, works ok. Which is better?

The problem with Aipom and Spinarak for this deck is If they end up being your Starters in the deck and If you don't get a Collector in hand in time to get that See Off going. I agree that Aipom's Tail Code is amazing against Magnezone and Spinarak is nice for blocking them from retreating with Spider Web but still there's better alternatives IMO. What are these alternatives?

My advice. Drop the Lucario, and add what I said.
RE: MewLock

Well, if you have lucario and tornadus, DCE is a double function and works great. I have playtested the lucario and it is an excellent late game finisher because of all the pokemon you lost zoned
RE: MewLock

glaceon I kinda been thinking about what you said hours ago and realized that yes Zoroark is a better Zekrom counter than Lucario but judging from how Jason K played it in PTCGO he sent it to the Lost Zone with Relicanth using Prehistoric Wisdom. Yes Relicanth is a VERY underrated starter in this sort of deck but in a matchup like Donphan it can save yourself from getting your Mew donked on T2 or also enable you to Twins search for a Plume lock or try to fill your bench to Mass Attack with Jumpluff.

All in all Relicanth is like he said a "play it safe" strategy to ensure he gets his setup going with Mew especially against TyRam. His variant he changed a bit cause he also ran Lucario and Mismagius tech's as well. In the deck itself he had no Yanmega's at all, just focused on a Twins engine with Junk Arm and Pokemon Catcher along with Cheren and Sage's Training instead of playing Vileplume though I still like Plume due to ensuring a Sludge Drag lock with Muk to prevent them from playing Switch.

Here's Ness's video of how he ran it:

RE: MewLock

I'm really torn about what techs to use in Mewbox, the list that I have up at the moment works really well with the current meta going on at my local tournaments, I'm just concerned about how the field is going to look at Regionals, Cities, etc. Glaceon, so if I were to keep Zoroark with the current deck list you would recommend throwing in 1 Zorua to make it more consistent; for this specific build of course.

I've also tried the Aipom/Spinarak lock and while it is effective at times, I find it to fall short, just based off the testing I've done with it. But then again, I'm very open to trying it over again. Thank you for your input guys, I'll be putting up a couple different lists shortly.
RE: MewLock

I run a Mewbox as well, and though much different, a good Lost Zone tech for Mirror matches could be Mandibuzz. With 1 rainbow energy, you can snipe any Mew that has attached a rainbow energy for the KO. And Imo, its just a good tech in general
RE: MewLock

Yeah. i would run it as LZ fodder, but thats just how my deck works. I throw 5-6 pokemon in the LZ

Though I just realized the problem with using it as a mirror match tech. Your opponent can use it against you as well. So, its up to you. I'll probably still run it though, because my deck doesn't rely on Rainbow, it uses DCE
RE: MewLock

Why not run both Rainbow and DCE? Rainbow is pratically a staple in Mewbox cause it helps for energy consistency and Prism Energy will make it even better as well.