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Mewbox (Jwok Box)

RE: MewLock

mawliekid said:
Yeah. i would run it as LZ fodder, but thats just how my deck works. I throw 5-6 pokemon in the LZ

Though I just realized the problem with using it as a mirror match tech. Your opponent can use it against you as well. So, its up to you. I'll probably still run it though, because my deck doesn't rely on Rainbow, it uses DCE

You: *Lost zones Mandibuzz*
Opponent: *Uses Mandibuzz's attack before you do*

People always seem to forget that Mew can use attacks from the other player's lost zone too...
RE: MewLock

Card Slinger J said:
glaceon I kinda been thinking about what you said hours ago and realized that yes Zoroark is a better Zekrom counter than Lucario but judging from how Jason K played it in PTCGO he sent it to the Lost Zone with Relicanth using Prehistoric Wisdom. Yes Relicanth is a VERY underrated starter in this sort of deck but in a matchup like Donphan it can save yourself from getting your Mew donked on T2 or also enable you to Twins search for a Plume lock or try to fill your bench to Mass Attack with Jumpluff.

All in all Relicanth is like he said a "play it safe" strategy to ensure he gets his setup going with Mew especially against TyRam. His variant he changed a bit cause he also ran Lucario and Mismagius tech's as well. In the deck itself he had no Yanmega's at all, just focused on a Twins engine with Junk Arm and Pokemon Catcher along with Cheren and Sage's Training instead of playing Vileplume though I still like Plume due to ensuring a Sludge Drag lock with Muk to prevent them from playing Switch.

Here's Ness's video of how he ran it:


Heres the thing. He wasn't playing Mewlock. It was a rogue deck.

Card Slinger J said:
Why not run both Rainbow and DCE? Rainbow is pratically a staple in Mewbox cause it helps for energy consistency and Prism Energy will make it even better as well.

You shouldn't even run DCE because Yanmega is your Donphan counter.
RE: MewLock

glaceon said:
Heres the thing. He wasn't playing Mewlock. It was a rogue deck.

Well still it was a "MewBox" deck not exactly a "Lock" per say with no Plume.
The current deck I'm running is sort of like that Rogue deck but with the Lock intact,
you can't say the deck is bad unless you've played it or tested against it.

glaceon said:
You shouldn't even run DCE because Yanmega is your Donphan counter.

So? DCE can still be useful with Zoroark If you LZ it with Mew for getting around TyRam and Zekrom. You make it sound like every MewBox deck HAS to have 3-3 or 4-4 Yanmega Prime in the deck when that isn't always the case at all, yes it counters Donphan but there's other options If you're on a budget like Tornadus for example.
RE: MewLock

Well this is a Mewbox. It is not a Mewbox without Vileplume!. Its like comparing Mewcario to mewbox. Two completely differet decks that share a few cards[/i]. And when did I say it was bad?

The thing is, you should't run Zoroark.

For Yamega, a 3-2 is fine, as long as you have it. If your on a budget... play TyRam. Its like cutting the Yanmegas for Mandibuzz's in MegaZone. You have to use Yanmega....
RE: MewLock

3-2 Yanmega isn't consistent enough though, and I don't want to build TyRam cause I already have MewBox built (close to it at least) and I don't want to tear it apart. I've had to tear apart at least 1 or 2 decks in this format, tearing apart MewBox would be my 3rd and that would be ridiculous.
RE: MewLock

So many Mewbox. It makes my eyes hurt.

Here's my honest opinion : Sunflora HGSS isn't needed. I feel that running 4 Communication, 3/4 Rare Candy, and at least some minimal hand refresh should do the trick on getting a T2 Vileplume lock. Another problem I see with Sunflora is that starting with Sunkern is Mewbox's worst nightmare (at least Yanma gets free retreat with Free Flight). I also don't see the point in Lucario; I know you want to attack with it and all, but if Riolu is prized, there's no way of using it effectively other than the Lost Zone, so why not just use it in the Lost Zone anyway? It stacks up damage too with *insert name of first attack here*. I would try these changes:

- 1 Riolu UL/CoL
- 2 - 2 Sunflora HGSS

+ 2 Pokemon Communication
+ 1 / 2 Rare Candy
+ 2 Twins

If you don't run Tropical Beach, 4 Twins is a must, and you always want a T2 Vileplume, so I know it doesn't sound efficient to add more Trainers, but I highly reccomend you go for this (plus, if you're in a situation where something like Lucario is in your hand, and you need to LZ it, you'll be thanking Pokemon Communication for letting you put it back into the deck).

Hope this helped.
RE: MewLock

Sunflora is also for Consistant Yanma/Yanmegas every single turn, it's too potent of threat if its established early. And adding more trainers to the list, ultimately hurts the deck in my opinion, since getting the lock on line nullifies x amount of cards in your deck as early as turn two. Lucario are a tech against the potent threat of Yanmega which is running rampant in almost every deck, and Magnezone which is by itself a powerhouse as well. It simply isn't Lost Zone fodder because you need it to be in play for the Typing. And while, if a Riolu were prized it would throw off some of the consistency of the deck, like you said, the same could be said for any small techs out in the format. From my testing at BR's which have been really good in my local meta, the Lucario tech has won me games just by itself.