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Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 26
4 Mew Prime
3-1-2 Vileplume
3-3 Yanmega Prime
2-2 Sunflora
2 Muk
2 Jumpluff
1 Cleffa
1 Aipom UL

Trainers: 4
2 Rare Candy
2 Pokemon Communication

Supporters: 17
4 Pokemon collector
4 Judge
4 Professor Oaks New Theory
3 Twins
2 Cheren

Energies: 13
5 Psychic
4 Rainbow
3 Grass
1 Rescue

Strategy: See off a Muk or Jumpluff with Mew for damage output via Jumpluff's Mass Attack, or disruption with Muk's Sludge Drag. All while establishing a trainer lock with Vileplume

Aipom to lock down Magnezone/Typhlosion

Any Constructive feedback is greatly appreciated :D
List updated, the 23rd pokemon was the lost aipom :-d what do you think of the list?
I know this is a trainer lock deck, but you need 4 communication. It gives the deck some much needed speed and consistency.
What would you remove Kyle? I was thinking -1 or -2 Cheren for +1 or +2 Communication, what do you think about the rest of the list?
Isn't Muk generally accepted as the most important Lost Zone fodder? Having that one Muk prize really hurts! Also, I haven't done much testing with Crobat, but beyond the obvious attacks that it has, what are some situations to actually use it against Donphan. Sorry, once again, haven't tested Crobat out as much due to advice from my local players (They say it isn't particularly good).
I use Crobat in combo with Umbreon, the way i do it, I have to sacrifice a Mew, but I send a Mew out, Sever poison it, and then send another Mew out to keep using Moonlight fang.