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i like charizard
I made a VVV deck for fun, and after reading some lists and advice online, I slowly transitioned into this.
Even if it is not as good as my current ZekEels, this is a really fun deck to play with.

So without further ado, the list:

Pokemon (20):
4 Mew Prime
3-1-2 Vileplume
2 Relicanth
1 Crobat Prime
1 Muk (UD)
1 Jumpluff (HGSS)
1 Chandelure (ND)
1 Shaymin EX
1 Terrakion
1-1 Zoroark

T/S/S (27):
1 Cilan
4 N
1 Juniper
2 Sage's Training
4 Collector
4 Twins

3 Rare Candy
3 Communication

Energy (13):
4 Prism
5 {P}
2 {G}

Hopefully you can start with a Mew and a Collector. Starting with Relicanth is also good. See off a Pokemon (usually either Muk or Crobat, but not always) on T1. Then See Off one of the ones you didn't send on T1 (depending on the situation). After Mew is KOd, you can use Twins for a Candy/Plume. After that, you screw with their benched Pokemon with Muk, deal big damage for low energy with Jumpluff, use Crobat to Severe Poison/snipe, Chandelure for Tynamo/baby KOs. Zoroark is really helpful to counter the bigger Pokemon (including Mewtwo). And finally, Shaymin EX is my big hitter at the end of the game. I can also LZ it if I am in trouble.

I might drop the Cilan for more draw power (I have to test some more), but it has been pretty helpful in a few matches. Do you think I should add any Rainbow energy or is the Prism enough?

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

P.S. Oh, and please don't recommend Yanmega Prime. I don't have any right now and I don't really want to get any.
I don't think 2 of every see-off candidate is really necessary. Its a low chance that they will be prized.
-1-0 zoroark (usually used with mew prime)
-1 twins (In my experience, only 3 is really needed)
-1 crobat
-1 muk/jumpluff
-3 copycat (what for? I'd rather use other drawing power)

+1 relicanth (for drawing and for seeing off pokemon when you can't)
+1 N (drawing power)
+2 juniper (drawing power)
+2 terrakion (may help in your zekrom problem)
1 extra space for anything that you don't want taken out or that i have missed.
  • Relicanth looks interesting. I'll have to explore that.
  • With Zoroark, I think I'll keep the 1-1 line because it's nice to have an attacker other than Mew. Plus, Zoroark can't be OHKO'd by Tornadus or Thundurus.
  • I might drop the Twins after League this weekend, but it has been good so far.
  • I do like Copycat (under Trainer Lock they can get big hands), but N and Juniper could end up helping more. I'll try only 1 Copycat for now.

Thanks for the help!
I would cut the 2nd Crobat for a Chandelure. The both have their advantages, but 30x3 is just unpassable. I would also make it 1-2 Zoroark so you can LZ one and Evolve into the other.
I added a Chandelure and Shaymin EX for heavy hitting. I would like that +1 Zoroark for the LZ, but not sure what to take out. This list is actually doing pretty well right now.

Any more advice??
I would

-1 Cilan
-3 G
-1 P
+4 Rainbow
+1 Zoroark

This would make the deck have more options and it would add a little bit of consistency.
I would probably add 2-3 relicanth for a good game starter.

i play 4 in my mewbox. but 2-3 i think could be okay.
iisnumber12, I actually don't have any Rainbow energy. If I get some, though, I'll try that.

rileysill32, What do you think I should take out?
Maybe not 4 rainbow. The prism already takes care of a lot. I'd say more around 2-3. Its just my preference though.
Jirachi said:
Maybe not 4 rainbow. The prism already takes care of a lot. I'd say more around 2-3. Its just my preference though.

But is there any reason not to have 4 rainbows? They are better than basic energy.
I'd rather use the space for other stuff needed. Its also irretrievable from the discard. Plus cilan is also run in his deck so I don't think its that necessary.
4 rainbows is good and I totally understand why but its just my preference so don't mind me.
3 relicanths is way too much. I'd say at most 2 since you really only need need one on the bench. Crobat prime is good IMO since it poisons the opponent's Pokemon. I'd say keep the Crobat.

1000th post!!!!
Thanks Jirachi. That's exactly what I was thinking.

gengar, I do want that 1 Zorua so I can have an attacker other than Mew. Well I guess I have Terrakion and Shaymin EX, but they are situational. However, I could try and make it 1-2 so I could LZ one and evolve the other.