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Aspiring Trainer
Using Relicanth's Prehistoric Wisdom to Lost Zone a Pokemon card that Mew can use later, or starting with Mew and simply seeing off what I need like a traditional Mewbox deck. I find that either Relicanth or Mew are both solid starters for the deck, while I prefer Relicanth because of the draw power that he brings as well. Lucario takes advantage of Mew and Relicanth's Lost Zoning with its ability that increases in damage base on the number of LZ Pokemon. Every other Pokemon is there for some form of tech, to lost zone.

Any constructive feedback will be greatly appreciated. :)

4 Relicanth
4 Mew
2-3 Lucario (Dimension Sphere)

Lost Zone Pokemon
2 Zoroark
2 Muk
1 Mismagius (Poltergeist)
1 Crobat Prime
1 Pidgeot

4 Pokemon Collector
3 Cheren
3 Twins
3 Sages Training

4 Pokemon Communication
3 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Switch
2 Plus Power

6 Psychic
3 Rescue Energy
Deck looks good, im running something simmilar. But how do you make sure your benched pokemon dont get catchered up? Or does it not really matter?
While trainer lock is a great option as a Mewbox variant, I'm simply taking a different approach. It's more aggressive than the traditional Mewbox deck, while still maintaining the ability to be accessible in most situations. By streamlining the techs in the deck, and having a more potent draw engine and lost zone supporter in Relicanth, it makes for a decent deck. I really hope to improve it!
I'd consider some basics in there for Relnicath to hurl as well, just because they're searchable via Collector and it sucks to miss a turn of hurling. Some ones to consider are Manaphy and Tornadus. Which of the current ones to take out are up to you, but I don't see Muk or Mismagius being too helpful without Vileplume.