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Standard MewChampLoetta


Aspiring Trainer
****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

Pokémon - 11

  • 2 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
  • 2 Machamp-EX AOR 37
  • 2 Meloetta BKT 85
  • 4 Mew FAC 29
  • 1 Barbaracle FAC 23

Trainer Cards - 42

  • 4 Robo Substitute Team Flare Gear PHF 102
  • 3 Imakuni? GEN 63
  • 1 Archie's Ace in the Hole PRC 157
  • 4 Battle Compressor Team Flare Gear PHF 92
  • 3 Dimension Valley PHF 93
  • 1 Korrina FFI 111
  • 4 VS Seeker PHF 109
  • 1 Escape Rope PRC 127
  • 3 Fighting Fury Belt BKP 99
  • 1 Float Stone PLF 99
  • 4 Trainers' Mail ROS 92
  • 2 Level Ball AOR 76
  • 1 Lysandre FLF 90
  • 2 Ultra Ball ROS 93
  • 2 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
  • 4 Puzzle of Time BKP 109
  • 1 Switch BCR 135
  • 1 Teammates PRC 141

Energy - 7

  • 7 Fighting Energy Energy 6

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO

discard barbarcle archie and energies, attack with mew for free switch with a robo sub
use imanuki? next turn to hit 160+ dmg :)
I like where you were going with this. My main concern is Imakuni? From what I understand, Mew has to have the special condition and Machamp's attack doesn't get rid of the special condition until the end of the attack. If that is the case, then you still need to flip and get a heads to attack. That's why poison is the go to special condition with Machamp EX.
Oh this looks fun and different. Plus I've tried Meloetta a dozen different ways. Will return with feedback in a few days.

On initial glance I feel like there's not enough cards dedicated to making the Archie engine run smoothly for Barbaracle. I know you don't want to use it all the time, but anything less then the typical Archie/Maxie deck skeleton usually spells bad news - it's hard enough to pull off even at that.

My version of that skeleton ftr
2-3 Shaymin-EX,
2 Archie/Maxie target pokémon

4 Trainers' Mail, 4 Acro Bike, 4 Compressor, 4 Ultra Ball, 4 VS Seeker

2 Maxie/Archie

No more than 5 other supporters: Suggested Usual: 1 N, 1 Hex, 1 Lysandre, 2 Sycamore

Secondly if you have a Barbaracle in there anyway, and so much deck space dedicated already - a secondary target for Archie wouldn't be a bad idea? Something like an Empoleon perhaps.
Bad news with Imakui?! Gotta flip a coin when attacking with machamps attack. :(
About barbarbacle, yea your right, 1-1 line isnt worth playing, with the test - as he is a stage 1 pokemon, can just evolve him on second turn.
I guess ill be making new idea parring mew with frienz :)
As neat as this idea is, no matter what I tried, it just kept coming up short :/ Sorry man, reckon this ones a dud.