• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Aspiring Trainer
Not sure if I should play this again:{P}

2-2-2 dusknoir SF (1 LV.47, 1 LV.48)
1-1 mewtwo LV.X
2-2-2 crobat UL
1-1-1 gengar SF
2-2 grumpig TR
3 spiritomb LA
2-1 giratina PL
27 pokes
4 rare candies
2 poke collector
4 Bebe's search
2 copycat
2 Cynthia's feelings
3 warp points
2 expert belt

2 double colorless energy
2 Rescue energy
8 basic psychic energy
12 energy total

Okay, as for the Pokemon, drop everything besides Dusknoir and work from there. You can combine Dusky X and Gallade E4 Lv.X for a damage spread. Then use Solrock and Lunatone (Solrock from TM, Lunatone from SV) to prevent them from removing. The deck could work much better as a damage spread(you could even use Amphy PL to block powers).
if you don't feel like stripping the deck to it's entirety I would advise making the crobat the Prime one, which still isn't brilliant but it is better than the other one, since the normal crobat has machamps hurricane punch for 1 more energy and we all know how terrible hurricane punch was. grumpig, although a blast in the past from gardevoir, is really not very good and I would recommend taking it out along with the giratina because this really isn't a disruption deck. And the 1-1-1 line is so inconsistent for gengar take it out too, so for the 10 cards you take out from that, increase the trainer count to get things a lot faster that get yourself some rare candies, increase mewtwo to a 2-2 line for consistancy and maybe change spiritomb for smeargle, sableye SF or jirachi RR.

- 2-1 giratina
-3 spiritomb (trainerlock not good in this deck)
- 2-2 grumpig
- 2 crobat UL
- 1-1-1 gengar

+3 jirachi/sableye/smeargle
+4 rare candy
+2 crobat prime
+ 2 uxie (preferably with 1 lvl X)
+add more trainers/supporters for consistency with what is left

Hope this is helpful
Yoshidude Sorry but I don't have any of them except for ampharos and I am keeping it psychic.Stalpno, sorry, the same for you. But I do have jirachi LA.