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MewPerior (Mew Prime/Rhyperior LV.X) (Seniors, States)


Now with one fewer 's'
Alright, so I'm making a MewPerior and having trouble deciding on what to include. Here is my decklist so far:


Pokémon (20):

4x Mew Prime
2x Rhyperior LV.X
4x Smeargle UD
1x Unown Q
1-1 Blaziken FB LV.X
1x Azelf LA
1x Mesprit LA
1x Combee SF
2-2 Delcatty (PT?)

Energy (22):

4x Rescue
2x Fire
2x Rainbow
14x Psychic

T/S/S (18):

4x Pokémon Collector
1x SP Radar
3x Palmer's Contribution
3x Judge
4x Pokémon Rescue
3x Seeker


Pokémon (14):

4x Mew Prime
3x Smeargle UD
2x Rhyperior LV.X
1-1 Blaziken FB LV.X
1x Unown Q
1x Azelf LA
1x Combee SF

Energy (35):

4x Rescue
4x Warp
4x Cyclone
3x Fire
4x Rainbow
16x Psychic

T/S/S (11):

4x Pokémon Collector
4x Pokémon Rescue
1x SP Radar
2x Judge

Strategy: Get Mew Prime out, See Off Rhyperior, and start using Hard Crush for constant KOs.
Okay, so I'm definitely leaning toward no Delcatty. The problem I might have is with Umbreon, so I might need something to help against that (right now, all I have is Blaziken FB). I might be fine with nothing else, especially since I have pretty much run out of space, but any suggestions are welcome, particularly if they only take 1 or 2 cards (which would be pretty amazing).
What are the Cyclone for? You have 2 trainers. Maybe try a 1-1 Delcatty, makes sure you do 100 damage at least. You forgot Pokemon Rescue too.
^Sorry, I was just editing it to say I didn't want to run Delcatty :p
The Cyclone are for Umbreon techs. Those get annoying, so if I need one, I can always just use Cyclone and get another prize.
What should I take out for the Pokémon Rescue? I'm a little hesitant on that because of the amount of Trainer Lock in the meta here, but I can try it.
1 sp radar
1 collector
2 fire
4 warp
4 call
2 cyclone
A mewperior only needs 22 or so energy

+2-2 delcatty
1 mesprit
1 uxie
2 seeker
2 bebes
4 reasearch docs (from next set
^Wait. Drop a Collector? I thought 4 was a staple.
As far as the SP-dar, I'm really worried about discarding it and not getting the Blaziken out if I need it. I know people will tend to have Supporters that I can Sketch to get it, but you never know.
As I said, I'd rather not use Delcatty. I just don't think it gives a good enough advantage; I'd rather go all-out speed.
Seeker is a definite possibility, however, as well as Mesprit and maybe Research Documents.
delcatty is amazing.. I play mew.. however, you could take that out and add in 2 dialga pt and 2 more seeker. 1 sp radar should be good because when you play sp you can portrait a cyrus and get it that way. 3 collector has worked fine in my list
Mkay then, I guess I'll play Delcatty. Updated!
Now it's time for a 3-card Umbreon counter. Any ideas?
No-go on the Sableye. This deck runs Smeargle, and it works much better than Sableye for MewPerior... Unown Q I really only need one of.
I'm using Delcatty now, so I don't really need Dialga.
Took out lots of energy already.
And idk about Cyrus, if I need it, I can almost always Portrait for it.
You might want to use vs seeker to recover to recycle supporters and there are no umbreon counters except for taking out the eevee before it evolves, warp point and/ or Pokemon reversal are possible counters
@konter_j8902 and glaceon: I think he mainly wants to focus on a list with a high energy count and that does not run Delcatty. Not running Delcatty is not only possible, but very effective. I would actually recommend using a list without it because it means you don't have risk having a lone Skitty start and you won't have to rely on getting energy on top of your deck with a card that can easily be Sprayed, Sniped or Locked. Diagla from Platinum can be helpful, but if you end up starting with it, get Luring Flame'd, Drag Off'd or Bright Look'd you will be in a LOT of trouble. Warp Energy can save you, but you are not always guaranteed to have one in your hand.

I would suggest a few minor changes to the list:

-Change at least two of your Psychic Energies to Rainbow Energies, this will let you have a higher chance of being able to have an energy in hand to attack with Blaziken FB and you still guarantee the same chance of being able to use See Off early game. If you are forced to attach a Rainbow Energy in order to attack with Mew, it will not hurt you very much because Mew already has very low HP.

-Possibly changes to fit in Pokemon Rescue:

-Azelf: During Cities I played Mewperior and I took the risk of not running Azelf. Luckly, the risk payed off for me because I didn't need to use Time Walk. But I do understand wanting to run it to guarantee you can find your Blaziken line. Personally, I feel like it can be extremely helpful, but you can still deal without having it.

-Combee: I understand why you use Combee, but I feel like it would be more beneficial to you if you use Pokemon Rescue instead because you could find Blaziken FB Lv.X with it if it was killed or accidentally Hard Crushed. The only reason I would consider using Combee over Pokemon Rescue is because it is search-able with Pokemon Collector.

-Either one SP Radar/Palmers: Again, you would be taking a risk because you would only have one in the deck, but Pokemon Rescue is an amazing recovery card that may be more helpful for getting back your Pokemon fast.

Overall, I think your list looks pretty solid and should not be changed more than by just a few cards.

Edit: If you are really worried about Umbreon UD, Sudowoodo MD is a counter that seems strange, but has worked extremely well for me. The basic strategy is to let Sudowoodo take a hit and then use flail to hit for weakness.
No pokemon reversal. If you don't care about whick Pokemon you knock out, use Circulater.
Oh sorry, I posted suggestions to your old list. I see that it has changed now. I still think you should consider Cyrus' Conspiracy, as if you're being deafened it can be invaluable to getting your Blaziken out of the deck or discard and killing the Dialga. I also recommend 1 Uxie, as with your seekers it could really speed it up. You should probably also play Call Energy; I see that you took them out.