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MewPerior Seniors Any

Brandon Smiley

"Big Tex"
58 Mew Prime
1 Rhyperior Lv.X
1 pupel energy

my league leader said i can play only 4 but hes fat i dont trust fat people
so what if im noobalitcious
I've found that Delcatty is to hard to get out and just gets discarded anyways.
shuffle back a few energy cards back in.
Well, first off, I love Mew and Rhypherior, because Mew is really cute and Rhypherior is really tough. So let's talk:


1) Ok, your Pokemon line looks pretty solid, but there are a few tthings that could be changed. Machamp SF and Relicanth SV aren't really needed, they belong in other decks, and the only thing you should be Seeing Off is Rhypherior. They do work as good techs, but with Mew's petty HP, it is hard to set-up, especially because they need energy, plus the energy needed to See Off. Giratina and Dialga too, they shouldn't be in here, considering they need energy plus the See Off. All in all, the Pokemon line should look like this:

4 Mew Prime
2 Rhypherior LV.X
2-1 Uxie X
1 Azelf

I took out Mesprit and Smeargle for separate reasons. First, Smeargle has to be active to Portrait, and the fact that Mew Prime should be your starter doesn't give Smeargle much props. And for Mesprit, this deck is extremely speedy, you won't need one to be easy Chomp snipe bait, as Mew will be filling up your bench anyway.

2)The T/S/S line looks great, but consider the following:

-1 Collector
Maxing these out may help you, but it is dead draw late game.

-3 Pokemon Rescue
Flower Shop and/or Palmer's works better.

+2 Bebe's Search
If a Rhypherior is in your hand and the other in prizes(unlikely, though), it will be very difficult for you to win. Bebe's puts Rhypherior in the deck, and you can get an Uxie to get a good hand again.

+1 FSL or Palmer's
This will help for energy recovery and would wok better than P. Rescue.

Good hand-refresh. That's about it.

Now this is the part of the deck where I DON'T want you to take all of these ideas, because what is a deck rather than a decklist given to someone who doesn't know the value of each card? I'm not saying this is you. :D

3) The energy doesn't need much. Take out all of the fighting, 1 Rescue, 1 Call, 1 Warp, and 2 Psychic. That should do the trick.

Now you have 12 free spots, and now you get to decide. I usually use this option to let you play it your way. You can add Mesprit, another tech(I HIGHLY RECOMMEND SNOWPOINT TEMPLE), or some more energy.

I hope I helped. :cool:
Well, I try not to hard crush as much. I like focusing on locking, and not on just hardcore speed. I like Dialga because it can guarantee 150. Giratina + Mesprit on turn one is.. Well you can guess. I need a good counter for Dialga G that i can easily Set-Up..
With only 4 Mew Primes, I don't always start with it, and with Smeargle, i can Portrait, if they have a Collector/or if i have a collector, i can get unown Q Mew, and Giratina/Mesprit to get a turn one See Off.
With FSL and Palmer's, they get discarded often because there is only one. With Pokemon Rescue i can get back Mew Prime/Uxie Lv.X/etc. and it's a trainer, so i can use it after Judging. Judge and Giratina late game help to get rid of all the Energy in my hand to help Hard Crush.
^Machamp and relicath are nice techs. Take out helps against mirror match because you don't have to be the one to see of the rhyperior. Relicanth helps against espeon which is often a problem with this deck.

I'd take out these:
1 Mesprit
1 Azelf
1 Giratina PL

When your deck is going, you don't need disruption because you're tearing apart their attacker. Furthermore the azelf isn't useful at all IMO. I assume it is for if rhyperior is prized, but getting rhyperior in your hand isn't useful. Especially since you run the machamp tech, I wouldn't worry about that.

Replace those three cards with more psychic energy. You want to make sure you start with one.
I've been thinking about dropping the Azelf, because i never use it. I like to tear apart their attacker, and never let them have another :p
-1 Azelf (Azelf can be helpful, but there really isn't anything you would really want to search your prizes for in this list.)
-1 Machamp SF (Machamp can be helpful, but a good Mewperior list with Mesprit disruption should be able to beat most SP variants.)
-1 Relicanth SV ( I'm assuming Relicanth is a good counter for Luxray and Umbreon, but I'm not sure it is really needed.)
-1 Uxie Lv.X ( I believe one Uxie is enough.)
-1 Uxie
-7 Fighting Energy

+3 Cyclone Energy (Disruptive Energy)
+2 Smeargle UD (Smeargle UD helps maximize good starts and should be maxed out.)
+4 Psychic Energy
+1 Call Energy
+1 Warp Energy
+1 Psychic

If you have a difficult time with Umbreon and Diagla G, try using Blaziken FB or Octillery PL. My personal favorite is a 1-1 line of Blaziken FB, with an SP Radar teched in because you can "Portrait" your opponents Cyrus's Conspiracy for a Pokemon Collector, Basic Fire Energy and the SP Radar (for the X).
I dislike Cyclone, but i have never thought about Octillery. That's actually the perfect M2 counter for this deck. I've never had problems with Umbreon, (no one plays it) but i have a really hard time against all of the teched Dialgas for VileGar.
The problem i have with Blaziken, is gettting it out. I won't always be able to portrait a Cyrus.
one way to counter both dialga G and Umbreon is to add a Garchomp lv.X and one or two Rhyperiors to restore, as soon as you see the dialga then restore a rhyperior and level it up, it has high hp, and now powers or bodies making it great for everything that messes you up (except mewtwo)
I would A. have to have a Rhyperior in the Discard Pile, B. It would work against a M2 because it's considered a Stage 2, and the smart player would have T2-3 Dialga G X.