Mew's Art Shop! Orchard Garden, Request ANYTHING! Forms Required!

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kawaii_mew said:
Uh....I think you got the name wrong it's "Userbars" not miniature banner and it's not really "your" property so yeah...
Can i have a mini banner?

Pokemon:Umbreon and sableye
text:Team Legion
background:black fading to blue
use:team legion
Here is the order for WELCOMKANNA but of course it's from kawaii_Mew!



Now, remember to give kawaii_Mew her credits!
Name: Stryker Z
Best Position in Shop: All.
Agree with terms: Yes.
Example of Work: Coming Soon!

Also, I'd like to defy what 'Jason Rules' has said. Those are very well made by Kawaii_Mew. I would believe that he/she gets the background from the userbar place, and then adds on the rest themself. I can do that, btw. Pretty simple.
To Jason Rules:::
It's really called a miniature banner and it is my property because i made it.
To sherry ai:::
Awesome TC's sherry, :).
I'm on the new request!
Can I have a christmas banner to celebrate christmas?
Pokemon:Mudkip, Electivire, and Magmortar. Plus a Pikachu snowman

Size: Large

Lettering: Merry Christmas!!!

Theme:Christmas, winter

Use:sig banner

Can you pm me when you're finished? Thanks!!
can I have an avatar please?

Character, Pokemon or Anime:kakashi hatake from Naruto
... ...
What size, (small, medium):medium please
... ...
Lettering (A timy small lettering of your name or anything) Optional.:none
... ...
Theme(Inspirational theme, mellow theme, clam theme, cool theme, etc.):Action theme, like a chase

thank you.
Ok, I'll try my best. But I'm moving soon so please don't be mad if it takes long...
Ooooooooooo I wan't a mini banner with a picture of a Floatzel on it
that leads to the thread Livingstone Islands.
Pokemon Banners and Other Banners:::Open

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Peaceful ; quiet ; calm
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Pokemon Banners and Other Banners:::Open

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Pokemon Banners and Other Banners:::Open

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The Pokemon Mansion w/ subtexts The Home of The Gengars
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Dark Spooky
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Forum Banner


Pokemon Banners and Other Banners:::Open

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Dragonic ; Exotic ; Intimidating
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Pokemon Banners and Other Banners:::Open

Gengar , Mismagius, Frosslas, Dusknoi,r Shedinja, Bannette
... ...
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The Gengars w/ subtexts The Pokemon Mansion's Official Wi-Fi Team
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Aggressive ; Violent
... ...


Don't be rushed by them..... I don't need them at the same time.... You can take other requests before them.... You can give it to me even after 2 months..... But I need them..... Please don't rush..... I want them as beautiful as you can..... Than you.... Have a nice dAY..... Expect a full name credit.....
Pokemon: Lucario and Empoleo
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Sixe: Large
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Text: "Empcario, coming to a cities near you"
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Use: Banner for signature

I'm very sorry I cannot provide you the request that fast. I'm moving soon and I have to help out with packing and I have no time to do your request. But I promise, I'll do my best to ,make them for you guys.
Bellomence said:
kawaii_Mew said:
I'm very sorry I cannot provide you the request that fast. I'm moving soon and I have to help out with packing and I have no time to do your request. But I promise, I'll do my best to ,make them for you guys.

Please don't rush because I Don't care even if I recieve it on next Christmas. As long as you make it the best you can, you can even take other request before doing mine. I'm patient. :)

Same here.:)
Can i get a fire colored trainer card with a cool boy trainer pict on it. And I want blastoise, dragonite, mewtwo, zapdos, kyogre and latios on it pls.
Ok well,If you could,Could you please make me a clan banner please.

(Pokemon), plural or singular.
Could I please have Lucario,Blissey and Gallade please.
What size, (small, medium or large)
Meduim please
Lettering( what the banner should say.
The Bounty Hunters-Taking down the Archetypes with ease.
Theme(Inspirational theme, mellow theme, clam theme, cool theme, etc.)
Hunting Theme-If possible if not then just whatever suits it.
Use: (for your own forum banner, for your clan banner in this forum or a sig banner
A clan Banner that I will use In my Signature aswell.

Also somewhere in the Banner I would like a Gun aim as the oO in the lettering. like the circles with the lines coming out every 90degree.The Colour doesn't matter rearlly,again whatever you think suits it.

Thanks,I will give credit,again thanks.
Hello shopkeepers and good day...
I would like a miniature banner is the form...

Character-Neji, or whatever you can get in, ex: eyes...
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What size-Regular, (medium?)...
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Lettering-"Byakugan!" (or however you spell it)...
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Theme-Battle stadium, or just area where he fought naruto...
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Use-I love naruto...Using it for sig...