Mew's Workshop - We died. Maybey another shall come soon...

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RE: Mew's Workshop. We do anything, just ask! Animation included!

Thanks And the problem might be the '. No problem anyway mine is special. It's good. And code pls. Thanks!!
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do anything, just ask! Animation included!

Got the codes:
Typing UB for samvid:


Plain UB for samvid:


I made the backgrounds that piplup was talking about myself. I will upload to the Photobucket for the shop when I get it created. It should allow more space on the front page for workers examples. If any workers want to add there own simillar album, please PM me. It allows for a greater amount of stuff to be done.

Except it doesn't work. Thats that idea blown. I'll have to come up with something else.
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do anything, just ask! Animation included!

Why doesn't t worek zzzdark?
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do anything, just ask! Animation included!

Well, everything was converted to jpeg when uploaded so...
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do anything, just ask! Animation included!

Hmmm... weird can I try just PM me with whatever you need uploaded.
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do anything, just ask! Animation included!

Pokemon: Charizard
Revamp to generation:Red and blue 1st
Comments: I just want charizard lol thats all
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do anything, just ask! Animation included!

OK, I'll do that Eastbaytrainer. C88, It should be OK now, cos I'm gonna set up another imageshack for it.
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do anything, just ask! Animation included!

You could try tttlite's order, or hunter994x's order, that would be very helpful. There on page 83.


I tried the revamp:

RE: Mew's Workshop. We do anything, just ask! Animation included!

Thats fine. Anyone have any orders? I'm ready to take any one I can do. And please can somone do the orders on Pg.38?
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do anything, just ask! Animation included!

Evolution for non edited sprites:
1. Pokemon: (All fire starters third evos)
2. Background: Something cool
3. Comments: All their fusions - Blaziken- Typholosion- Charizard- Infernape- (their fusion)

I need three. for all starters third evo( fire - water - leaf)

Thanks in Advance
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do anything, just ask! Animation included!

hm... So you want each one a evolution of a fire starter? Or do you want the evolution to be each fully evolved starter to be evolving to the next one? Or fusions of the starters evolving into each other? I don't understand.
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do almost anything, just ask! Will do orders within a week.

Can I work here?
Here is all my work:

LMK thanks!!

* ('-')The little grunt piplup*
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do almost anything, just ask! Will do orders within a week.

No. Actually like in the (1)first pict, Empoleon will come, then Blastoise, then Feraligtr, then Swampert then their fusion.

(2) (a different one) first pict, Infernape, then Charizard, then Typholosion, then Blaziken and then their fusion

(3) ( a diff. one ) first pict Torterra, then Venusaur, then Meganium, then Sceptile and then their fusion.

So, although together I want three diff animations 1- the water guys 2- the fire guys 3- the leaf guys.
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do almost anything, just ask! Will do orders within a week.

Wow. All the shops are dying no one pays any head to the shops any more.
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do almost anything, just ask! Will do orders within a week.

Ok. PIPLUP, you are in. Samvid, I think that that order is beyond me a little. If this carries on much with the shops dying I may close the shop.
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do almost anything, just ask! Will do orders within a week.

Do you want the code for all my work?

* ('-')The little grunt piplup*
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do almost anything, just ask! Will do orders within a week.

Yep. The code would be good. Can you do the order on pg.38 (I think) for the fake card? And it would be good if you could do the fushion on the same page.

- ZD
RE: Mew's Workshop. We do almost anything, just ask! Will do orders within a week.

Could you do this?

Trainer Card:
1. Trainer: Will
2. Pokemon: Shiny Lucario, Gallade, Shiny Azelf, Alakazam, Mewtwo, Shiny Ninetales
3. Badges: Zephyr, Earth, Mind, Marsh, Relic, Fog, Rising, Soul
4. Name: Kai
5. Colour/background: Black