Mew's Workshop - We died. Maybey another shall come soon...

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RE: Mew's Workshop. We do almost anything, just ask! Will do orders within a week.

MewtrickForever said:
Could you do this?

Trainer Card:
1. Trainer: Will
2. Pokemon: Shiny Lucario, Gallade, Shiny Azelf, Alakazam, Mewtwo, Shiny Ninetales
3. Badges: Zephyr, Earth, Mind, Marsh, Relic, Fog, Rising, Soul
4. Name: Kai
5. Colour/background: Black

What am I supposed to specify, tttlite?
RE: Mew's Workshop. Banners, Wallpapers, Sprites, UB's and Avatars of the best quality!

your posts are not comeing up so I posted.

I can do your Trainer Card but I don't know how to do Badges and can you give a pic of the trainer you want.

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Mew's Workshop. Banners, Wallpapers, Sprites, UB's and Avatars of the best quality!

Where's my order
RE: Mew's Workshop. Banners, Wallpapers, Sprites, UB's and Avatars of the best quality!

1. Sugimori banner
2. Text Team Letric
3. Background space background
Pokemon: Zapdos 3 legendary dogs dogs and jirachi
5. Comments: "The Superiors"

I hope thats clearer
RE: Mew's Workshop. Banners, Wallpapers, Sprites, UB's and Avatars of the best quality!

Can you do me a two more banners please...
Banner 1:
2. Text (If applicable): In small simple text at the top Kingdom Animalia: and bigger writing beneath Metazoa Beta
3. Background (if I can't do your background I will do something else that is near or looks nice): A savannah background
5. Comments: Can you put an image of an elephant on it

Banner 2:
2. Text (If applicable): In small simple text at the top Kingdom Animalia: and bigger writing beneath Prehistorica
3. Background (if I can't do your background I will do something else that is near or looks nice): A rocky background
5. Comments: Can you put an image of a skelenton t-rex on it
RE: Mew's Workshop. Banners, Wallpapers, Sprites, UB's and Avatars of the best quality!

Dragon Flame Inferno:
Im on it!
Will do later on today.

Dragon Flame Inferno:
I'm done!


I can't find a picture of a Savannah

Here is the other banner:


RE: Mew's Workshop. Banners, Wallpapers, Sprites, UB's and Avatars of the best quality!

Can you make the Prehistorica part bigger,
here is a picture of a savannah
RE: Mew's Workshop. Banners, Wallpapers, Sprites, UB's and Avatars of the best quality!

Thank you looks nice

do you think I could get one more with a fire background with magby magmar magmotar electivire electibuzz and elkid in that exact order same text. Plz

Thanks Ill give credit.
RE: Mew's Workshop. Banners, Wallpapers, Sprites, UB's and Avatars of the best qualit

PIPLUP said:
I can do your Trainer Card but I don't know how to do Badges and can you give a pic of the trainer you want.

I don't have a picture and don't know how to post pictures anyway, just do whatever.
RE: Mew's Workshop. Banners, Wallpapers, Sprites, UB's and Avatars of the best quality!

Dragonfly: Thanks. It's a bit too big, but I can make one in The Gimp sketching it off of that. Should be done later today.

Dragon Flame Inferno: I'll make that later on today. Should be done soon.
RE: Mew's Workshop - Almost anything that you can think of, done here!

MewtrickForever: Ok I'll try to get the trainer you want.

Zzzdark: Can you tall me how to do Badges?

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Mew's Workshop - Almost anything that you can think of, done here!

My posts are not coming up, except on the Add New Reply screen either PIPLUP. I will PM the orders.

- ZD

Woah. That seems to have fixed it somehow...





RE: Mew's Workshop - Almost anything that you can think of, done here!



- ZD
RE: Mew's Workshop - Almost anything that you can think of, done here!

you da best
RE: Mew's Workshop - Almost anything that you can think of, done here!

Dragonfly, Dragon Flame Inferno: Thank you very much indeed!

Any orders? Im free to do some.
RE: Mew's Workshop - Almost anything that you can think of, done here!

MewtrickForever Wrote:
Could you do this?

Trainer Card:
1. Trainer: Will
2. Pokemon: Shiny Lucario, Gallade, Shiny Azelf, Alakazam, Mewtwo, Shiny Ninetales
3. Badges: Zephyr, Earth, Mind, Marsh, Relic, Fog, Rising, Soul
4. Name: Kai
5. Colour/background: Black

Zzzdark: You can do that.

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Mew's Workshop - Almost anything that you can think of, done here!

What badges are those? I forget...