Disclaimer: No, I don't expect this to work competitively. At all. But reliving the old days is fun and we have nearly exact duplicates of the two cards this deck used when it was good.
4 Mew EX DRE
3 Blitzle NVI
3 Zebstrika NEX
4 Tynamo NVI 38
3 Eelektrik NVI
1 Mewtwo EX NEX
1 Raikou EX DEX
4 N
3 Professor Juniper
2 Bianca
2 Random Receiver
4 Level Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Max Potion
3 Eviolite
3 Ultra Ball
2 Skyarrow Bridge
11 Lightning Energy
I focused it more on being a sniping deck that can lock trainers more than a trainer lock deck that can snipe simply because you will not win just using Disconnect every turn. It will not happen at all, ever. Also, I heard Eelektrik was a pretty good card in Lightning decks, so that helped the transition.
Monster line should be fairly obvious, at least for one familiar with Mewtrick. Supporter line is my personal default BW-on lineup, Random Receivers included. Level Ball fetches more than half my Pokemon line, 4 for consistency. Pokemon Catcher helps spam Disconnects and/or snipe benched stuff, 4 for being a good card. Max Potion is really good with things that attacking by energy dumping, and 120 isn't an awful number to live a couple attacks, 3 for consistency. Eviolite bumps that 120 up to 140 which is really really key for beating Zekrom, 3 for consistency. Ultra Ball gives me search for the non-Level Ball guys as well as dumping energy and useless trainers. Skyarrow gives me access to the snipe loop with Eels.
Comment/Rate/Subscribe-er, I mean, lemme know what you think.
4 Mew EX DRE
3 Blitzle NVI
3 Zebstrika NEX
4 Tynamo NVI 38
3 Eelektrik NVI
1 Mewtwo EX NEX
1 Raikou EX DEX
4 N
3 Professor Juniper
2 Bianca
2 Random Receiver
4 Level Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Max Potion
3 Eviolite
3 Ultra Ball
2 Skyarrow Bridge
11 Lightning Energy
I focused it more on being a sniping deck that can lock trainers more than a trainer lock deck that can snipe simply because you will not win just using Disconnect every turn. It will not happen at all, ever. Also, I heard Eelektrik was a pretty good card in Lightning decks, so that helped the transition.
Monster line should be fairly obvious, at least for one familiar with Mewtrick. Supporter line is my personal default BW-on lineup, Random Receivers included. Level Ball fetches more than half my Pokemon line, 4 for consistency. Pokemon Catcher helps spam Disconnects and/or snipe benched stuff, 4 for being a good card. Max Potion is really good with things that attacking by energy dumping, and 120 isn't an awful number to live a couple attacks, 3 for consistency. Eviolite bumps that 120 up to 140 which is really really key for beating Zekrom, 3 for consistency. Ultra Ball gives me search for the non-Level Ball guys as well as dumping energy and useless trainers. Skyarrow gives me access to the snipe loop with Eels.
Comment/Rate/Subscribe-er, I mean, lemme know what you think.