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X-Ball motherf***er
Pokemon :15
4-3 Eelektrik
3 Mewtwo EX
2 Tornadus EX
2 Bouffalant (bouffer)
1 Zekrom

T/S/S: 32
4 N
4 juniper
3 bianca
2 skyla
4 ultra ball
3 level ball
4 catcher
2 eviolite
4 switch
1 skyarrow bridge
1 aspertia city gym

Energy: 13
9 lightning

basic eels strategy. main attacker is Mewtwo EX. 3 mewtwo to always win the mewtwo wars. bouffalant is really good with eviolite + aspertia. tornadus ex is my counter to landorus ex along with bouffalant, and tornadus KOs squirtles.

any thoughts? anything to change or to improve?
thanks in advance
Where's your computer search? I'd also advise 4-4 Eels since it's much better to stream them with (especially if you play without super rod). You can drop a level or ultra ball for this, or go down to 3 switch since you play skyla and DCE to both give you outs to an active Eel.
idk if you'll get this in time, or if you'll have time to think over/test these changes, but here we go:

1. :O Where is CPU search? discarding lightning to fetch for DCE, a combo piece, or a supporter is pretty good i hear...

2. I think a third Skyla would help over a third Bianca. Not only does Skyla tutor catcher/switch/eviolite without you trying to draw into it, Skyla gives access to DCE early (via cpu search) and helps you get your skyarrow/aspertia, making it more likely to get that turn 1 blow through 60. It also allows you to run a variety of different tech 1 or 2ofs and makes it somewhat consistent (see below).

3. In my testing with this deck, i've found pluspower to be absolutely amazing. It allows Tornadus to donk sableye/emolga, and let's it finish off 170 HP EXs with blow through -> power blast + pluspower. Pluspower also makes it easier to mewtwo war, so as you're not forced to do some dynamotor+switch shenanigans to get that third energy on a mewtwo to KO an opposing mewtwo with DCE; you just attach DCE (or 2 dyna/switch or 1 dyna/switch + manual lightning) and pluspower for the KO. Same thing goes with an opposing keldeo: 6 energies is required to kill one of your EXs (without eviolite or aspertia) or bouffalant with eviolite + aspertia, so mewtwo with DCE and pluspower can KO where you would otherwise need a third energy. ATM im running 2 Pluspower, and it seems to be enough although you might want to test 3 or even 4 so you dont have to skyla for it as often (tbh most white tea decks play 3-4 pluspower for a reason).

4. Max Potion. My original list for this deck contained 3, but i kept bumping it down for space, and finally cut it when i was testing enhanced hammers. While not always necessary, I found there was alot of situations where I really needed a max potion to compensate for a slow start, or just to tank out an opponent while i set up my benched pokemon and eels. i've found a 1of max potion (with my 3 skyla and 1 CPU search) to be perfect; its useful without being cloggy.

also, i won't recommend it as im not totally sure whether or not im keeping it, but why no tool scrapper? i realize eviolite is irrelevant against bouffalant, but it helps snag eviolites on opposing bouffalants, darkrais, and landorus which would otherwise evade certain 2HKOs. it's up to you, i personally run a 1of scrapper just in case, as its really good vs darkrai/terrakion and white tea.

overall changes:

+2 Pluspower
+1 Max Potion
+1 Skyla
+1 CPU Search

-1 Bianca
-2 Level Ball/Ultra Ball (personally i run 4 ultra 0 level, but i can see the appeal of being able to skyla for an eel without discarding resources. 7 tutor cards is just unecessary though, as this deck doesnt need to focus on streaming eels as fast as other eel variants do.)
-1 Lightning
-1 Switch (u play skyarrow)