

X-Ball motherf***er
does mewtwo/eels still competitive as before?
with landorus and keldeo in the format

what techs and cards should I add on a standard mewtwo/eels deck?
It is viable, but not as good due to Landorus EX being popular in high performing decks. At my Cities last weekend 3/4 of the top cut used Landorus EX. This also isn't really a rulings question so I am going to move your thread.
It is very much viable. At the Cities I went to last weekend, it was pretty prevalent. Things like Tornadus EX+Aspertia Gym can help out against Landorus and even a Gold Breaker Bouffalant can swing hard against it.

dmaster out.
yes it is very viable.
mewtwo helps against keldeo.
and landorus really isn't that big of a problem if you don't start lone tynamos.

i play tested rayeels against landorus a fair amount and landorus wasn't that hard to beat.
Landorus is really the only issue, and as has been said, there's ways around it. It's annoying card no doubt, and Eels hates it to no end, but it's not unbeatable. (Tornadus EX, Bouffalant, you name it)

Keldeo gets utterly wrecked by Mewtwo. Eelektrik is literally Keldeo's worst matchup, as long as you swarm the Mewtwos it's pretty hard to lose.
dmaster said:
It is very much viable. At the Cities I went to last weekend, it was pretty prevalent. Things like Tornadus EX+Aspertia Gym can help out against Landorus and even a Gold Breaker Bouffalant can swing hard against it.

dmaster out.

Tornadus EX + Aspertia City + Eviolite/Giant Cape is better xD
not much difference but it will obviously be maxed out :3
I'm thinking of adding a keldeo on may mewtwo/eelektrik
for landorus ex check and to escape from catcher stall
HellYeah said:
I'm thinking of adding a keldeo on may mewtwo/eelektrik
for landorus ex check and to escape from catcher stall

Without water energy its only actually doing 100 damage to Landorus EX, the same as Tornadus EX, although it won't resist it. In addition, it doesn't help you with catcher stall very much because Keldeo itself has a 2 retreat cost, so unless you're planning on attacking with it then its just as bad having active as Eelektrik or anything else in your deck. As mentioned before, its pretty much outclassed by Tornadus EX in the lando matchup, and its a terrible attacker against everything else so you won't want it active.
TheEpicBidoof said:
Tornadus EX + Aspertia City + Eviolite/Giant Cape is better xD
not much difference but it will obviously be maxed out :3

Eviolite is a given in Mewtwo/Eels and has been for a while. :p

The point is the deck is still very much relevant and doesn't lose as bad to Landorus EX considering the attackers rely less on Dynamotor.

dmaster out.
asperia i mean you could always make a darkrai tornadus deck
because tornadus can abuse the colourless energy cost xD
HellYeah said:
I will try tornadus ex, but what stadium should I use? aspertia city gym or skyarrow bridge?

Who says you can't run both? They both have their individual merits in the deck. The more Stadiums you run, the better chances you'll have one out early to use Blow Through.

dmaster out.