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Mewtwo-EX / Gardevoir


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 11
3 Ralts
3 Gardevoir
3 Mewtwo Ex
2 Smeargle

Trainers: 37
3 Pokemon Collectors
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Sage's Training

4 Junk Arm
4 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Catchers
3 Switch
2 Plus Power
2 Super Scoop Up
2 Revive
2 PokeGear 3.0
2 Lost Remover
1 Exp Share
1 Battle City

Energy: 12
8 Psychic Energy
4 Double Colourless Energy

I made to second place at states in my country with this deck list, but I don't feel this is enough for nationals.
Looking for any tips and ideas o/
Just to remind u guys, we can use only from HGSS to Next Destinies here, this means no ultra ball T.T
RE: Mewtwo Ex/ Gardevoir

If you want, you can run at least one Skyarrow Bridge. :)
RE: Mewtwo Ex/ Gardevoir

You will need more of a 3-1-3 gardevoir line because
3-0-3 looks kind of inconsistent IMO.
RE: Mewtwo Ex/ Gardevoir

Jirachi, Kirlia didn't work in my tests, ppl normally use catcher on her the moment I evolve ralts, I'm planning to use 3-0-4.
But I'll test 3.1.3 again tomorrow, thanks o/
Typlho Wolf, I ended up helping eels and CMT with that skyarrow, I normally let them use it for me, then counter with battle city when I'm done "portraiting", either way, I'm looking for a stadium that I could use besides both .
RE: Mewtwo Ex/ Gardevoir

Well, if you can't use rare candy or it would be more convenient to evolve it the other way without rare candy, it would be beneficial. Try
-1 switch (2 may be enough)
-2 lost remover (not that useful in this deck)
-1 smeargle (only one needed)
-1 battle city (isn't really needed)
+3 N (good hand refreshment and disruption)/juniper (good draw supporter)
And maybe skyarrow bridge? (could help with smeargle)
Or eviolite (could help with mewtwo) or other
RE: Mewtwo Ex/ Gardevoir

I'll play with my friends today, I'll try all that, except eviolite and skyarrow, I've already tested both, Skyarrow ends up helping my opponent more than me, since I use it Only for Smeargles, and eviolite is just useless, cause I'm normally hit for 1HKO on mew2 war, and zekrom ex still takes 2 turns to kill me, even with eviolite, what I've just realised that could work is rocky helmet, sort of plus power, and would make oponnents not be sure if starting mew2 war.

With this deck, I normally start the prize gathering, killing tynamos or celebis. I still didn't lose for any other decks besides eels and CMT.
RE: Mewtwo Ex/ Gardevoir

Eviolite could possibly help. If you have 1 Psychic attached, the opponent only needs a DCE and Pluspower to OHKO you. If you play Eviolite, you force them to attach one more energy. Then next turn you could attach a Psychic and OHKO them without having to attach another energy.