Michael Jackson Has Died

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ABC and all the major places are saying he's dead now. Turn on your TV.

EDIT: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31552029/ns/entertainment-music/
As I said in the chat, I hope he'll be remembered for his music, not for his recent negative media attention.

The death of a legend, RIP MJ.
No more Micheal-Jackson jokes D:
It's sad how it was so sudden... I'm watching the news while typing this.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
As I said in the chat, I hope he'll be remembered for his music, not for his recent negative media attention.
Nice double entendre Tom. :p
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
As I said in the chat, I hope he'll be remembered for his music, not for his recent negative media attention.

The death of a legend, RIP MJ.

I agree wholly with this statement.

This comes as a huge shocker to me. I never expected it for a second. My parents and I are fans of his music, and it's unfortunate that he had to go at such an age.
I know he made great songs, and all. But he was a pedophile. Anyway, I know see how is it to loose someone that repesented a kind of music.
No more Michael Jackson jokes, and he died really young. =[

I was a big fan of his music, though, it still makes me sad.
Juliacoolo said:
Sarah Fawset diet too. It's a shame. He was so young.

Its Farrah Fawcett not Sarah Fawset rofl, and lol @ diet.

Anyway on a more serious note, my dad came in side the house after he was done with work and told me of this tragedy, I was really shocked, its seriously a sad day with these 2 mega stars dead at a relatively some-what young age.

R.I.P: Michael Jackson + Farrah Fawcett.

But they will definitely be missed greatly.

And @infmach: No, he was not a pedophile (did he ever get jail time? Thought so). Its just greedy people looking to make a quick buck and it really rude of you to speak down on a person like that.

I am not MJ super fan or anything but its annoying when people speak ill of the dead/injured/sick, its a huge pet-peeve of mine.
AnthonyG said:
Juliacoolo said:
Sarah Fawset diet too. It's a shame. He was so young.

Its Farrah Fawcett not Sarah Fawset rofl, and lol @ diet.

Anyway on a more serious note, my dad came in side the house after he was done with work and told me of this tragedy, I was really shocked, its seriously a sad day with these 2 mega stars dead at a relatively some-what young age.

R.I.P: Michael Jackson + Farrah Fawcett.

But they will definitely be missed greatly.

And @infmach: No, he was not a pedophile (did he ever get jail time? Thought so). Its just greedy people looking to make a quick buck and it really rude of you to speak down on a person like that.

I am not MJ super fan or anything but its annoying when people speak ill of the dead/injured/sick, its a huge pet-peeve of mine.
Well, he sexually molested children. And I respect him by his music, which was great IMO, but still, abusing children ain't fun.
He was found not guilty by a court of law, who are you to question them? The media is nowhere near as credible as court (although I will admit that it is everything but perfect), so you're going to have to show some evidence if you want to make outrageous claims like that, knowing that those opposing MJ in court were unable to do this.

This is what I hate about all this, if he would've died 15ish years earlier (however terrible that might sound), he wouldn't have been in this mess, and people would remember him as the musical genius that he was, rather than a paedophile and a freak of plastic surgery.
Death of a legend. Sad that he is gone, but I was much more sad to see his name dragged through the mud. May his music live on, and not the terrible name that the media bestowed upon him.
As much as I hate to think, this might be good for his legend. No more embarassing moments, no more room to lose respect. He will retire a legend, and in 50 years from now, that's all that will be remembered.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
He was found not guilty by a court of law, who are you to question them? The media is nowhere near as credible as court (although I will admit that it is everything but perfect), so you're going to have to show some evidence if you want to make outrageous claims like that, knowing that those opposing MJ in court were unable to do this.

This is what I hate about all this, if he would've died 15ish years earlier (however terrible that might sound), he wouldn't have been in this mess, and people would remember him as the musical genius that he was, rather than a paedophile and a freak of plastic surgery.
I heard him being a pedophile in Scary Movie 4, but he made some mistakes lately, and he also made some wonderful things in the past.
infmach said:
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
He was found not guilty by a court of law, who are you to question them? The media is nowhere near as credible as court (although I will admit that it is everything but perfect), so you're going to have to show some evidence if you want to make outrageous claims like that, knowing that those opposing MJ in court were unable to do this.

This is what I hate about all this, if he would've died 15ish years earlier (however terrible that might sound), he wouldn't have been in this mess, and people would remember him as the musical genius that he was, rather than a paedophile and a freak of plastic surgery.
I heard him being a pedophile in Scary Movie 4, but he made some mistakes lately, and he also made some wonderful things in the past.

OMG ROFL. Are you serious? Your making your judgement off a movie? In which it is not even him in the darn movie? Its someone else playing him FYI.

Yea, you might want to learn some common sense first, then comment about things.
How about if we say some nice things about him. Seriously the guy just died. He was a good singer and dancer until the bad incident with the pepsi commercial and the fireworks.
AnthonyG said:
infmach said:
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
He was found not guilty by a court of law, who are you to question them? The media is nowhere near as credible as court (although I will admit that it is everything but perfect), so you're going to have to show some evidence if you want to make outrageous claims like that, knowing that those opposing MJ in court were unable to do this.

This is what I hate about all this, if he would've died 15ish years earlier (however terrible that might sound), he wouldn't have been in this mess, and people would remember him as the musical genius that he was, rather than a paedophile and a freak of plastic surgery.
I heard him being a pedophile in Scary Movie 4, but he made some mistakes lately, and he also made some wonderful things in the past.

OMG ROFL. Are you serious? Your making your judgement off a movie? In which it is not even him in the darn movie? Its someone else playing him FYI.

Yea, you might want to learn some common sense first, then comment about things.

I was kidding, I heard in the news that he Stolen a person kid.