Michael Jackson Has Died

I think he died because of too much plastic surgery.
However I must say I did like some of his songs.
So RIP Micheal Jackson(I'd say MJ, but Micheal Jordan isn't dead :)
It's a bit disturbing to see how much more attention is being paid to him than Farrah Fawcett. Oh how deaths can be so upstaged. R.I.P to both, as both of these folks were very talented people, and it's sad to see them die so young.

Shocker. He was only 50.

He will definitely be remembered. One of the most famous people of our time.
Noobnerd said:

Shocker. He was only 50.

He will definitely be remembered. One of the most famous people of our time.

He definitely died young. He made great songs, and despite the controversy surronding him, he'll be missed by many.
Secretsof2113 said:
It's a bit disturbing to see how much more attention is being paid to him than Farrah Fawcett. Oh how deaths can be so upstaged. R.I.P to both, as both of these folks were very talented people, and it's sad to see them die so young.


Memories, many many memories.

Rest in Peace, you two deserve it.
Rest in peace you two, rest in peace. MJ is great, I was able to use some of his moves in a dance that I did in a school play. Farrah Fawcett, you will now be able to meet real angels. :3[/rip]
Secretsof2113 said:
It's a bit disturbing to see how much more attention is being paid to him than Farrah Fawcett. Oh how deaths can be so upstaged. R.I.P to both, as both of these folks were very talented people, and it's sad to see them die so young.

IMO, its more disturbing to see how much attention is paid to superstar's death than those who died because of terrorist attacks etc, almost every few days or weeks ._.

RIP to whoever just died.
wow man to see him do the moon walk spin around and then get up on his toes like that man,
he was an insane dancer and insane singer imo, RIP MJ

Its funny everyone attacked him when he was alive now everyone mourns his death
Giligan1004 said:
wow man to see him do the moon walk spin around and then get up on his toes like that man,
he was an insane dancer and insane singer imo, RIP MJ

Its funny everyone attacked him when he was alive now everyone mourns his death

yeah, thats becuase they want him to suffer, now he can't anymore.

i really liked his music :[
I was out at a Tennis game when i heard, my friend got a CBC update on his phone saying "Micheal Jackson Passes away at 50" i was like :O No way, i actually dident believe him. When i read it i was completly shocked. He was so young. But, Who knows, they say it was Prescription drugs while others say murder. It should be intresting.

RIP MJ i will moon walk forever.
infmach said:
AnthonyG said:
infmach said:
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
He was found not guilty by a court of law, who are you to question them? The media is nowhere near as credible as court (although I will admit that it is everything but perfect), so you're going to have to show some evidence if you want to make outrageous claims like that, knowing that those opposing MJ in court were unable to do this.

This is what I hate about all this, if he would've died 15ish years earlier (however terrible that might sound), he wouldn't have been in this mess, and people would remember him as the musical genius that he was, rather than a paedophile and a freak of plastic surgery.
I heard him being a pedophile in Scary Movie 4, but he made some mistakes lately, and he also made some wonderful things in the past.

OMG ROFL. Are you serious? Your making your judgement off a movie? In which it is not even him in the darn movie? Its someone else playing him FYI.

Yea, you might want to learn some common sense first, then comment about things.

I was kidding, I heard in the news that he Stolen a person kid.

-_-....ugh, the kid was handicapped, not mentally handicapped (a.k.a person)...and that is what the trial was about, in which he got acquitted of the charges, therefore what you are saying the news said is false...even though, I'm pretty sure the news said the he was being charged, not that he actually did it...because if they did, that news station would have probably been looking at a slander lawsuit

not an extreme fan of Jacko, I was more into his early solo music...around the "Off the Wall" album, before his plastic surgeries took him over the edge...many will miss him, some will probably miss him a lil' too much and go through some extremes, but that's life
Even though I don't care for his music, (and think he's a VERY weird guy) it is always sad when some dies at a "young" age like that....and was even about to restart his career again.

Life's cruel. Especially for Michael Jackson.
R.I.P Michael Jackson. I loved this guy and his music he seemed such a generous and caring guy.

I also bought tickets for his tour at the O2, argh I wish he could perform one more time also

@ Ifmach, he is not a paedophile or anything of that nature. Everything is geberated by the cruel media to money. The people who accused him are sick and the media are sick.

If anyone knows this. This is exactly like the Jade Goody Death. Everyone hated her until it is too late

Oh well long live his songs and his perfect image ^^
May he R.I.P. He shared wonderful music with the world.
[lamepun]they decided to burn him and spread his ashes in a sandpit, so the children could ply with him too[/lamepun]
maybe not perfectly translated, but yeah.

but i don't think he is a pedophile.
I wish him go "hee hee" one more time...

But really R.I.P. MJ.

My mom said he payed a lady to...um... do the "thriller".
(if you know what I mean)

Then he had his son. I never heard of that though.
R.I.P Jacko

Oh my god, this is so terrible, I agree with you HS, he should be remembered for being the music genius that he was not the media Micheal...