SuperSleuth said:here are your sig and av:
SPM3 said:No graphics makers here will put that much text on a banner, sorry. We put time and effort into making the banner look nice, there's no way we're going to cover it up with all that text.
PokePoke33 said:Oh, ok srry, that's fine then. I thought it'd be cool, but I don't need it, maybe if it said "Sawk, Powerful and Mighty."?
SuperSleuth said:he was talking about the mudkip sig you wanted
the sawk sig you asked for was already made. you can find it on page 5.
lilsparks101 said:
Credits to SPM3 for text.
PokePoke33 said:Ok, thx for the Sawk sig! I guess no mudkip then....
How do I get it? It looks SO AWESOME!
Umbreon/Espeon said:-Pokémon(only 1):Swampert
-Text: The Hoenn River Monster.(Is this to much text?)
-Matching av?: No.
Why thank you. It looks loverly.SPM3 said:BrokenIce:
I'll update this with an avatar when it's done.
SuperSleuth said:here is your sig:
Wow,thank you so much! It's amazing!SuperSleuth said:seems to have forgotten the code for it.
here it is:
here is your sig:
PokePoke33 said:Who do I thank for my Sawk banner?
BrOkenICE said:That's okay. I saw how big it was before you edited it out.
Chillarmy said:-Pokémon: Minccino
-Text: Chillarmy
-Matching av?: Yes please :3