Legend of the Midnight Designers:
It was at the stroke of midnight when they gathered.
At the darkest of the abyss, which no one found but them--and me.
I ran from the fear of being caught, but to no avail.
We have been expecting you, the leader said.
You will be a talented member with all your experience , he said.
At what?, I asked.
He replied, At graphics designing…
And that was how I became a member of The Midnight Designers…
Welcome to the Midnight Designers, the capital of Graphics on PokeBeach. This is a place where Graphic Designers can closely interact with other graphics designers to improve and hone their own abilities, as well as augment the skill of designers all across PokeBeach.
Lead Designer
Assistant Designer
Advanced Designers
LilSparks101: Gimp
Gliscor: Photoshop CS2: 31 Points
[size=x-small]Intermediate Designers
PokeFanJosh: Photoshop CS4: 52
FatalAeroX: Photoshop CS2: 38 Points
Novice Designers
AadmM: Adobe Illustrator: 20 Points
Pokemaister899: Gimp: 23 Points
Sweet Dawn Berlitz: Paint.net: 13 Points
HeroofSinnoh: Photoshop/Gimp: 20 Points
SPM3 Photoshop CS3: 20 Points
Hyperbeem: Paint.Net: 18 Points
Yurk Bakura Photoshop: 12 Points
Aggiegwyn: Photoshop Elements: 10 Points
Newest Designers
EPM: Gimp: 10 Points
dragonspit999: GIMP: 10 Points
Sign Up
Username and Nickname?:
Program of Choice?:
Gallery of Choice (Link Please)?:
Planned Events/Clan ONLY Contest
Banner Contest: PokeFanJosh
SoTW Contest: Week 1
MD Render Project
Make-A-Banner Projects:
1)Create a banner to represent the clan
2)Creating a Tutorial
Design Projects:
1)Create a short story for the clan as an introduction.
A little intro to be added to the Main Post. Has to be creative.
2)Custom Clan User bar Creation
Make your own userbar
3)Avatar Design Contest
Like how Xous made his own template for avatars, we want you to make the next new hot thing.
Official Projects:
1) Renders Photobucket Username: "MDRedux" --- Password: "midnight"
Upload any render you want to this account, and hopefully others will do the same for you. This is our own render gallery so be courteous and nice. Renders do not have to be yours but do not take credit for them.
2) Gliscor's Render Project
Post any pokemon render that you make so that you can help other members gather an assortment of renders.
3)GFX Tag Contest by PokeFanJosh
4)SoTW 1
Contest Points:
+1 for Submitting a render to Gliscor/MD's render project(s)
+1 for Posting a Tag/Work
+2 for Submitting a clan logo
+5 for Creating a usable short story introduction
+3 for Participating in the MD Render Project
+5 for Creating a legible and Tag Critique
+8 for Creating a clan header
+10 for Registering for the Midnight Designers
+10 for making a liked and usable Tutorial
http://i359.photobucket.com/albums/oo37/lilsparks267/MidnightDesignerRedux.png by LilSparks101
http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/6833/midnightdesigners.png by FatalAeroX
http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h394/pokemaister899/mdr.png by Pokemaister
What do we do here?
We discuss art, and post our latest projects for others to see or get advice on.
Don't we have sections for that?
Yes but this is for friendly and quick rates. This also allows for you to get suggestions before you even start your project!
How do I become an advanced designer?
By a Co-leader or another advanced designer acknowledging you as someone who belongs in that placement. Until then your considered novice.
What do I do with Contest Points?
Contest points will allow you to move up in the Midnight Designers. Once you get 30 points you are considered a Intermediate automatically; 80 points make you an Advanced Designer. This is the only way to move up in ranks besides being recommended. This can also serve as a clan score board to determine the most valuable member.
What does HOT, COOL, COLD mean?
They are to let you know what the most current clan discussions are. Hot topics should be talked about the most, and are. Cool topics are things that only need a little input, or are dying down. Cold topics should be left alone until they are made cool or hot again by a clan leader.
Topics of Discussion
1)[NEW][HOT]SoTW Topic
2)[COOL]How do you like the main post design?
3)[COLD]What's usually the last things you do to finish your tag?
4)[COLD]Do you any ideas for the clan?
5)[COOL]Favorite SoTW Theme?