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Midnight Wave (Tyranitar Prime, Hydreigon)


The Trapmaster
Pokemon: 22

4-1-3 Tyranitar Prime
3-1-3 Hydreigon NV
1 Cleffa
2-2-2 Samurott (Ability)

T/S/S: 26

3x Pokemon Collector
4x Pokemon Communication
4x Rare Candy
3x Twins
3x Junk Arm
2x Professor Oak's New Theory (PONT)
2x Switch
2x Cheren
3x N

Energy: 12

4x Double Colorless Energy (DCE)
4x Special Dark Energy
4x Dark Energy

Possible techs/additions:

1-1 Zoroark BW


This deck wants to start Darkness Howling at turn 2 and continue such for 2-3 turns, while i attach more energy to my benched pokemon, preferably Deino and Family.

After that Hydreigon can finish what Tyranitar Prime started; sniping off severely weakened foe after severely weakened foe. Samurott is here as a Donphan-counter, to whom this deck falls, and as a nice weapon to fire-based decks since its strength and abilities allow it to hold its own. Cleffa is Cleffa.

Mr. N and Twins are there to take advantage of the fact that I'll probably be behind in prizes by the time Hydreigon is ready to sweep. Punishing my foe for winning is fun! Switch as the Retreat Costs are expensive, PONT and Cheren for hand refresh/draw, Rare Candy maxed as my sweet tooth is horrendous, and Junk Arm to recover those fun trainers.

My concerns are that this deck might not have enough speed or draw. I was wondering what pokemon and trainer lines I should take out/add/increase/decrease.

Regardless, I thank you for reading. :thumb:

Edit Count: 1
I wish I had something to contribute, but it looks perfect to me.
I think you should really try to just focus on Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Everything else doesn't really help them get set up as fast as they can, and Pidgey is just a free prize waiting to happen. Shaymin and Weavile don't provide much support, and Absol is really not that great of a starter when you want a preferable Deino or Larvitar start to get things rolling quickly, since Tyranitar is a relatively slow Pokemon. However, I suggest you beef up your Samurott, due to its presence as a Donphan/Reshiram counter, and it does not take damage from Darkness Howl. I would try this:

- 2 - 2 Weavile UD
- 2 Pidgey TM
- 1 Shaymin UL
- 2 Absol Prime

+ 1 Tyranitar Prime
+ 1 - 0 - 1 Hydreigon NV
+ 1 - 2 - 1 Samurott BW

The other 2 spots can be used for later. Now for the T/S/S, you're going to want to add a few more Junk Arm to re-use Rare Candies and Pokemon Communication. 3 Cheren is a bit much, and I think N shines in this deck (play N, then massacre), so PONT would be the inferior choice here. How about trying this (with the two extra spots from earlier):

- 1 Cheren EP
- 1 PONT

+ 2 Junk Arm
+ 2 N

Feel free to change it how you like, but your energy count looks fine, as long as you can keep the Hydreigons attacking, it's fine.

Hope this helped, and good luck with the deck in the future! :D
9Tailz said:
I wish I had something to contribute, but it looks perfect to me.

That is the best thing one can ever hear about their deck and I thank you.

Yoshidude10 said:
I think you should really try to just focus on Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Everything else doesn't really help them get set up as fast as they can, and Pidgey is just a free prize waiting to happen. Shaymin and Weavile don't provide much support, and Absol is really not that great of a starter when you want a preferable Deino or Larvitar start to get things rolling quickly, since Tyranitar is a relatively slow Pokemon. However, I suggest you beef up your Samurott, due to its presence as a Donphan/Reshiram counter, and it does not take damage from Darkness Howl. I would try this:

- 2 - 2 Weavile UD
- 2 Pidgey TM
- 1 Shaymin UL
- 2 Absol Prime

+ 1 Tyranitar Prime
+ 1 - 0 - 1 Hydreigon NV
+ 1 - 2 - 1 Samurott BW

The other 2 spots can be used for later. Now for the T/S/S, you're going to want to add a few more Junk Arm to re-use Rare Candies and Pokemon Communication. 3 Cheren is a bit much, and I think N shines in this deck (play N, then massacre), so PONT would be the inferior choice here. How about trying this (with the two extra spots from earlier):

- 1 Cheren EP
- 1 PONT

+ 2 Junk Arm
+ 2 N

Feel free to change it how you like, but your energy count looks fine, as long as you can keep the Hydreigons attacking, it's fine.

Hope this helped, and good luck with the deck in the future! :D

That does look interesting and as soon as get all the cards I intend to give it a try. I thank you.
raw19 said:
That is the best thing one can ever hear about their deck and I thank you.
That's actually one of the worst things you can hear, mostly because you think your build is perfect the way it is...but what if that isn't true?

Yoshidude10 and I were talking about your deckbuild earlier, and he and I are primarily in agreement. You want to make your Samurott presence stronger (Donphan counter) and trim off unnecessary cards. Shaymin isn't needed because you'll be sticking one {D} only on TTar unless situation calls for something else, then just keep using Hydreigon's Dangerous Blade to pick off the easy prizes.

I'd probably put a Cleffa or two in there to make things a bit faster. Absol can be fine as it makes Darkness Howl even easier to wear things down, but you still have to retreat Absol later or let it die, which is counterproductive.
I say:
-2 Pidgey TM
-1 Shaymin UL
-1 Pokemon Collector
+2 Twins
+ 1 - 0 - 0 Hydreigon NV
+ 1 - 0 - 0 Samurott (Ability)

You do not need this many Pokemon Collectors in this deck. 2-3 is fine. Add Twins because this deck has 3 stage 2's, so it will be slower. Twins will let you have the upper hand get things flowing. Add a couple basics because, if that basic is the one you sacrafice for Twins, then the other evolved form is a waste.
This deck has now undergone it's first series of edits and I thank everyone for their help. I don't expect a perfect build. Nothing is perfect. Playable and competitive are more then enough for me.
Why N? If you're sniping off benched at a (hopefully) fast rate N would end up crippling you more than helping.
I know you'll likely be behind in prizes but..iunno. Just seems off.

Sages training would help this deck a lot too since you're running so many lines. You want to get the clutter out asap.

And you should go 3-1-2 on Samurott. Reshi decks will catcher it as soon as they get the chance so you need that extra Oshawott.
I would probably drop the Samurott line for Mandibuzz (B&W). It has much more synergy with Tyranitar, not to mention it's easier to play since it's only a stage 1 and only requires a single energy to attack.
I intend to give both of those versions a try. I still need at least one more Hydreigon, which should be coming in the mail soon.
-1 N
+1 Pichu

Filling out your bench as early as possible will help you get out those stage 2s faster.

It is gutsy of you to run 3 different stage 2s in a deck in a format that has fast decks.
You should you have some good basics or stage-1s in case you don't hit a rare candy, or else get more babies so that you can easily activate twins.
The only problem I have with this deck is it's 3 stage 2 lines, two of which are weak to Fighting, which while not so bad considering that the only deck that I've seen personally still around after NV with a fighting is google.dec (until someone comes out with a strong Conkeldurr deck anyway). Still with 3 Stage 2 lines your going to be relying heavy on those 4 rare candys and Twins engine. If you're playing against a lock deck and they get it out quickly, you're going to take a massive hit. Seeing as how google.dec has both Lock AND Donphan, this is pretty much going to be an auto-loss in this case because by the time you manage to get a Samurott up, your opponent will have probably taken a few prizes and set up another donphan.

Personally with NV in the meta now, I'd rather use Cryogonal. It's a basic, and for only one water and a colorless it OHKO's a donphan (120 damage total after weakness and PokeBody).

- Samurott Line

+3 Cryogonal
+3 Water Energy/Rainbow Energy (your preference)
Izan said:
The only problem I have with this deck is it's 3 stage 2 lines, two of which are weak to Fighting, which while not so bad considering that the only deck that I've seen personally still around after NV with a fighting is google.dec (until someone comes out with a strong Conkeldurr deck anyway). Still with 3 Stage 2 lines your going to be relying heavy on those 4 rare candys and Twins engine. If you're playing against a lock deck and they get it out quickly, you're going to take a massive hit. Seeing as how google.dec has both Lock AND Donphan, this is pretty much going to be an auto-loss in this case because by the time you manage to get a Samurott up, your opponent will have probably taken a few prizes and set up another donphan.

Personally with NV in the meta now, I'd rather use Cryogonal. It's a basic, and for only one water and a colorless it OHKO's a donphan (120 damage total after weakness and PokeBody).

- Samurott Line

+3 Cryogonal
+3 Water Energy/Rainbow Energy (your preference)
This actually makes more sense because of the deck space than the reason you give
6 cards is a lot for a tech against just one card, even if that one card is an autoloss for this deck. ZPST runs maybe 1 Magby/Bellsprout/Black Belt for Goth/google, and it literally CANNOT win otherwise. Before NV I would have recommended Basculin, but Cryogonal is a much better tech for Donphan and you really don't need a tech vs Reshiram (T-Tar does just as good of a job with a DCE and 2 darks). So I would say 3 Cryogonal would be more than enough (After you flip cards and see they're running Donphan you can just collector out 3 and attack with those until the threat's been neutralized)

So, some suggestions:
-2 Cheren
-1 N
-3 Basic Darkness Energy
-2-2-2 Samurott
-1 Rare Candy

-Cheren because you have better draw options
-N because it's not as necessary as the additions and you're still taking prizes so it'll be dead draw late game
-Darkness to make room for Rainbow
-2-2-2 Samurott for reason stated above
-1 Rare Candy because you're running 1 less Stage 2 line and you still have 3 junk arms if you reeeally need that 4th
+2 Max Potion
+2 Catcher
+3 Cryogonal NVI 32
+1 Unown DARK
+3 Rainbow
+2 Juniper

+Max Potions for T-Tar so he can darkness howl 3-4 times before dying (just attach another energy)
+Catcher to drag up a Magnezone/Emboar/Eelectrik to stall while you spread
+Cryogonal for reasons stated above
+Unown DARK to better ensure T-Tar spread on turn 2, as it's searchable
+Rainbow so Cryogonal can attack and still not be OHKO'd by Donphan (aside from PP/FFF attack), while not hurting the deck's consistency vs non-Donphan decks
i would try taking out the samurott lines and adding in a couple of cyrogonals (NV). With the other extra spaces you can try adding maybe some newtrainors or supporters for draw power and if you want maybe even a magnezone line
During cities i admit i didn't see too many Donphan decks, but have seen some Terakion lying around. I also saw a ton of Reshiram. I was thinking of teching in a couple of Kyurem, as Tyranitar can load-em with damage just by me attacking and I wouldn't even need to change the energy in my deck.
I have been playtesting a variant of this deck and am finding the setup to be a tad slow since there are two stage 2 lines...teching cryogonal has definitely been helpful. How have you found the speed?
ad5631 said:
I have been playtesting a variant of this deck and am finding the setup to be a tad slow since there are two stage 2 lines...teching cryogonal has definitely been helpful. How have you found the speed?

Slow enough to be annoying, but not impossible. I'm trying to make it consistent enough to kind of make up for that. I've plenty of faster, yet inconsistent decks and found that to be overall more hurtful.