Mienshao (ND68) [2/20/2012]


Aspiring Trainer
Advanced Member
Card of the Day: Mienshao from Next Destinies


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1. What is the purpose of this card? Does it bring anything special to the table?

Mienshao has two purposes, depending on how you look at the card. His first attack allows you to fill your field with pokemon tools quickly and consistently. The second attack is a reverse outrage attack if you will, doing more damage per damage counter on the defending pokemon.


2. What kind of combos or decks would this card do well with?

There are only a few decks out there that make a thorough use out of pokemon tools. One being Six Corners, which focuses on high HP basic pokemon to attack for the type advantage, and the other being decks like MTC, ZPST, Eel variants, etc.

You may notice a trend however. These decks don't revolve around the Eviolite that they use, but rather use them as a supplement. In addition, these decks have other attackers that would take a have a far higher priority when compared to Meinshao, especially since it will take a minimum of 2-3 turns to have one searching for tools and attacking for minor amounts of damage. These two shortcomings, as well as {F} energy not being used in any decks aside from Terrakion techs, make Meinshao just plain unviable.

3. Final Thoughts

There is only one deck that Meinshao shines in - and that's a Lucario + Druddigon variant that is classified as a Tier 3 (casual) deck. He can get Rocky Helmets out on the field ASAP, letting the stars of the deck deal fairly high amounts of damage while also being a backup for high amounts his damage himself.

That's about the extent though! If the Lucario / Druddigon deck begins seeing play aside from being the premium noob-basher, this cards score would go higher in response!

Card Score: 3/10
Card Art: 3/10 (Can't say I'm really a fan!)
You realize this guy is an Ex killer right?
assuming an Ex has 100 damage on it:
100+130= ko everything in the format
Plus it hits thundurus, zekrom, zekrom ex,regigigas ex and magnezone prime for weakness.
terrakion would only do 90 if the revenge kill is possible, and would fail to ko an Ex with eviolite.
(but it is clearly better than mienshao, don t get me wrong)
This card works well in a deck that runs rocky helmet or has some sort of spreading damage to all pokemon ( Landorus/Kyurem+ something)
To get the job done in an easy way , I would attach Exp share to Mienshao also.
Mienshao is also searchable via level ball, so overrall I give it a 5.5/10 cause it would only work in certain decks as a tech, but I think it is a fun card to play :D

So its a stage 1 requiring 2 energy, one of which is fighting, and it OHKOs EXes...but only if they already have 100 damage on them. How does that counter them in any way? You may as well just attack again with the card that dealt 100 damage.
PUAthelas said:
assuming an Ex has 100 damage on it:

This is where your argument fails :(.

Here are a few problems with the card in competitive play:

It can not add enough damage in time (Attach T1, Evolve / 30T2, 60T3, 90T4) to make it worth it's weight as a main / first attacker. If somebody at a competitive level lets a 90 HP pokemon kill their active pokemon, they are either waiting to use Twins or have drawn nothing for the previous 11 cards. This card does not have the speed it takes to compete with the higher tier decks, and it does not blend well with an existing strategy that requires a setup (Truth, Chandelure, etc).

Well, let's assume you don't have this card attacking, but instead have it on your bench. At this point, it is competing with Terrakion, where it has no chance. Terrakion has a 2 energy revenge K.O., and a steady attack that can be used to consistently OHKO 90% of the electric contenders right now, compared to an attack that requires 90 damage to be on a defending EX + Eviolite to be considered effective in the prize trade. It is a basic pokemon, meaning it will take less time and risk to get it out onto the field. It has far more HP, meaning it will stay in play for an extra turn the majority of the time.

He won't be seeing competitive play. Too many cards for a tech, too risky to lay it on the field. I did mention that he wasn't that bad for casual games - in fact, I will probably be making a fun deck with him soon to use against some of the juniors that want to battle me at local leagues. I just can't justify a 5.5/10!

Dark Void said:
So its a stage 1 requiring 2 energy, one of which is fighting, and it OHKOs EXes...but only if they already have 100 damage on them. How does that counter them in any way? You may as well just attack again with the card that dealt 100 damage.

This is also another great point. Why bother powering up a pokemon that only does damage if the opponent has damage counters on them already, when you can promote a different pokemon that will instantly begin putting the hurt on your opponent!
I wouldn't hate on this card too much, guys. Keep in mind stuff like this:

Sonicboom - 70 damage.
70 + 70 = 140. However, 70 + 100 = 170. That's killing everything except Reshiram-EX and Kyurem-EX. However, apply for a Rocky Helmet (which this guy combos quite well with) or a PlusPower on either attack, and he's killing everything. He's really great in some very specific Stage 1 decks since they otherwise have trouble getting an even prize exchange with EX cards.

The argument can be made that it's too hard to get the double attachment, but remember this can also use Exp. Share quite well if that's actually a problem.

I'd agree with PUAthelas that it's about a 5.5/10. I underestimated it at first as well, but after playing against it, I realized that it does have a space in some specific Tier 2 decks.
Celebi23 said:
I wouldn't hate on this card too much, guys. Keep in mind stuff like this:

Sonicboom - 70 damage.
70 + 70 = 140. However, 70 + 100 = 170. That's killing everything except Reshiram-EX and Kyurem-EX. However, apply for a Rocky Helmet (which this guy combos quite well with) or a PlusPower on either attack, and he's killing everything. He's really great in some very specific Stage 1 decks since they otherwise have trouble getting an even prize exchange with EX cards.

The argument can be made that it's too hard to get the double attachment, but remember this can also use Exp. Share quite well if that's actually a problem.

I'd agree with PUAthelas that it's about a 5.5/10. I underestimated it at first as well, but after playing against it, I realized that it does have a space in some specific Tier 2 decks.

Eh. Eh. I just don't see it happening, but I will concede that my experience with the game pales in comparison to you. When I saw this CotD posted I got some ideas for fun decks to run with him, maybe I'll be dazzled!
When I first looked at this card, I was thinking that Haul In would be its primary use, but I guess this is not the case. While the second attack does look appealing, I can't see a player who won't Catcher KO the Mienfoo before the player sets up Mienshao. I may be wrong; Mienshao might be a really good card on the field, but I can't really see this card getting anywhere past Tier 2.

Anyway, I for one love this card's artwork. If anyone noticed, this artist also designed the artwork for Frillish, and I also liked the artwork for it. I don't know why, but I feel like the artwork actually focuses more on the background than the Pokemon itself, which is a rather uncommon thing to see in artwork like this. It's a cool card IMO, I'm just a little unsure of its ability to work properly.