Millions of Dollars of Prototype Pokemon Cards May Be Forgeries, Retired Creatures Employee Involved

Water Pokémon Master

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The authenticity of the Pokemon TCG’s famous “prototype cards” are now being called into question.
Last year, hundreds of prototype Pokemon cards began to sell in collecting circles from the personal collection of Takumi Akabane, one of the original creators of the Pokemon TCG. He worked at Creatures until 2008. He recently attended events to sign some of the cards. Grading company CGC worked closely with Akabane to verify the cards’ authenticity.



The prototype cards represent the earliest days of the TCG, produced in 1996 before Base Set released in Japan. They show the progression of Pokemon cards from their “proof of concept” stage where they used their Red & Green sprites to...

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Unbelievable some of the things that take place in the Pokemon community. It's unfortunate for the ones who paid good money with the understanding that they were getting a piece of history and ended up with something fake instead. Hopefully they get to the bottom of it all.
"taking these allegations seriously" sounds like they didnt do any checks on if it was real or not so the checks that the people actually did they never saw, would never use cgc after this it was already the bottom of the barrel but thats just pathetic, own up to your mistakes, delist all these "prototype" from your system instead of a shitty blanket statement showing your incompetence
ha, dumb people buying fake stuff for overpriced, most common collectors wouldnt have had these only a bunch of whales with lackluster knowledge and money to waste, dont feel bad for any idiot that fell for it
Whats dumb about it? Hold your horses here a moment - they were authentized cards. Just because you can’t afford them, doesn’t make the people who do dumb.
I find it very interesting that the card authenticators aren't doing this already, considering Pokemon's lengthy history and its high demand, as well as countless stories and everything regarding counterfeits throughout the years even during the WOTC days. You'd figure authenticators know...kinda know what to look for.

Like. YOU'RE and AUTHENTICATOR. You had ONE JOB! Hundreds of thousands of dollars are exchanging hands for the upper echelon of collectable TCG pieces. Hell, even PSA graded Illustrator Pikachu that the suicide forest boy got went for seven figures IIRC.

I would only hope that whales that have been affected by this sue authenticators because, holy hell, this is a massive blunder.

And while we will never get public statements on what authenticators DO look for when grading, it seems ridiculous that this "obscure trick" of printer serial number identification is clearly not in their inventory.
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The sad part about realizing an authenticator didn't know a certain trick about authenticating cards is the realization that if they told us all the things they do look out for, counterfeiters could use that public knowledge to create better counterfeits. Without a checklist of tests, we have to trust them blindly, but with a checklist of tests, counterfeits would improve. Which would then put the authenticators back to square 1 trying to find more ways to call out the counterfeiters.

Although it is worth pointing out that nobody goes to this much trouble to make believable counterfeits of 99.99% of Pokémon cards, the bulk of what forms our sets.
Ever since CGC started collabing with content creators to put "from so-and-so creator's break 20xx" etc., I haven't trusted them. You can't claim to be an objective grading company when you have financial interest or other conflicts of interest in the items you're grading.