RE: Minor Notices & Staff Changes (Latest Announcement: Post #83)
Promotions, as they should be, are based off of who is best qualified for the position, not who has been around the longest.
...I can't help but laugh at this, sadly. However, I'm also not surprised - Pokebeach has very few qualified people when it comes to the TCG.
That's not what I was implying. Obviously I am aware of the banner in my signature, so if I was directly attacking you, I would indeed be the pot calling the kettle black in a very rude and derogatory way. However, I was simply saying how hypocritical it is to be claiming it was a bad decision to promote Nigel when you're suggesting a guy who's currently banned for being dishonest should be promoted to pink.
It sounded like that was what you were implying, with the way it was coming off. But it wasn't, and so I apologize.
Also, do you seriously expect me to believe that Zero's going to be promoted up to pink? My thinking isn't
that wishful.
Now you're complaining that that's not happening.
That's not what I'm complaining about. Read again.
Vulpix Yolk was modded January 11th. Nigel was modded June 17th. That's five months' difference. Is that really a big deal?
Why wouldn't it be? Do you honestly believe that the amount of time spent in a job is irrelevant to how long you get used to doing it? That isn't true in the slightest. And if today is August 5th and Nigel gets modded, that's just under 2 months. He got used to it in under 2 months? Either he's extremely capable or the position of moderator is just a really easy job. It sounds like the latter is correct.
I was modded October 28th and was Super Modded December 28th. That's two months of being a mod before I stepped up. About how much time Nigel has had, although he was a Contributor for awhile beforehand. So if you actually want to make the argument that a person's ability to be a good smod is directly measured by the amount of time they've been a mod, you're also taking a stab at me and the various other people who were promoted quickly.
I don't want to make this a personal attack on anybody, but if you want me to, then I will. I know you've been on my case for a while now and I have not been pleased with it whatsoever.
When dmaster stepped down, both Gale and Celebi ended up taking his spot. This is hardly any different.
They're multiplying!!
(I'm hoping this doesn't come across as "VY is only 15 so he needs help", because I don't think that).
I think they're both mature and can handle it. Just give them a chance. You're judging too fast.
I don't think it came across as a statement of VY needing help. I certainly didn't see it as such. But wait, if Celebi was TCG head, who was co-head? ...Or was he not even pink and was there just some giant delay in a promotion here, and this is actually what's going on?
I think they're both mature and can handle it. Just give them a chance. You're judging too fast.
You think I wouldn't give people a chance to step up and prove themselves? I thought you knew me well enough to know that isn't the case. I love giving everyone a chance to see how they do, but to give someone a chance when they're potentially ill-prepared is just asking for trouble. (I definitely wish Nigel well and I hope he does a good job. I just have some personal reservations that lead to me doubting if he can do what's required.)
In closing, I wish to say that I take no pleasure in doing this, but I do what I do because I see an issue that needs addressing. (Notice how I only comment when I think something's wrong? If I don't comment on it, it means I'm fine with it.)