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Standard Mismagius/Baby Garchomp


Quick...use cut!
Hey all! I've been testing a new deck idea and have had pretty good luck with it so far. But any deck can get better so if you have any suggestions just let me know. Thanks!

Pokemon- 21

4x Gible (ULP 95/156)
2x Gabite (ULP 98/156)
3x Garchomp (UNM)
1x Garchomp (FBL)
1x Ditto prism
1x Diance prism
1x Riolu ( UNM 116/236)
2x Lucario ULP)
3x Misdreavus (UNB)
3x Mismagius (UNB)

Trainer- 31

3x Dusk Stone
1x Lure Ball
4x Mysterious Treasure
4x Computer Search
4x Rare Candy
2x Martial Arts Dojo
1x Viridian Forest
2x Brock's Grit
4x Cynthia
2x Professor Elm's Lecture
4x Karate Belt

Energy- 8

8x Fighting Energy

Strategy: Use Mismagius to get behind in prizes to hit hard with Garchomp from Unified Minds. I use the dragon forms of Gible and Gabite in order to search them out with Mysterious Treasure. This deck plays into weakness with 2 popular post rotation decks (PikaRom & Dark toolbox) and can OHKO all their major tagteams with ease. And this deck is relatively consistent despite the main attackers being stage 2.
Here's the list I would do, if I were trying to make as little change to the deck as possible.

4 Gible
1 Gabite
4 UNM Garchomp
3 Misdreavus
3 Mismagius
1 Diancie Prism
1 FLI Buzzwole
1 UNB Mew

4 Cynthia
3 Professor Elm's Lecture
2 Bill's Analysis
2 Lt. Surge's Strategy
1 Brock's Grit

4 Pokemon Communication
4 Mysterious Treasure
4 Rare Candy
3 Dusk Stone
2 Reset Stamp
2 Martial Arts Dojo
2 Karate Belt
1 Viridian Forest

8 Fighting Energy

Here's the logic:
  • Even though you hit PikaRom itself for weakness, you absolutely lose if they Tag Bolt two of your fully set Garchomps. Being that it's unsearchable besides with Comm and you need Rare Candy, you can't afford to have your board obliterated so early. This is why I've added UNB Mew, since it's searchable with the Mysterious Treasure you're playing anyway.
  • FLI Buzzwole is so you have another attacker, especially in matchups where you aren't hitting for weakness and you don't have everything you need to make Chomp hit for 240. You're manipulating prizes, so it's easy to put your opponent to 4 prizes, use Garchomp's free retreat and get a 120 attack off. With Karate Belt, it's free.
  • I cut the Lucario package because it's too clunky here. It CAN work in other Garchomp decks, but because you're trying to use Mismagius, I had to make room for things that made that strategy more reliable.
  • I put Elm's Lecture to 3 because dead drawing it mid-game is really bad for this deck, but I would understand wanting to play 4.
  • Lt. Surge's Strategy is perhaps the best card to capitalize on giving your opponent prizes, since using 2 supporters is a massive boost for this. The only reason I'm hesitant on more than 2 copies is because you'd need the supporters to make it live every time.
  • Bill's Analysis can help you find Rare Candy, Dusk Stone, and more. Items get your deck going, so it makes sense to add a supporter that gets them.
  • I put Brock's Grit to 1. It's not a card you'd want to see unless something has gone wrong, and your deck should be thin enough by the time you need it to find it relatively easily.
  • Computer Search is NOT standard legal, and certainly isn't legal at 4 copies. I replaced it with Pokemon Communication.
  • Reset Stamp is great disruption because you're manipulating prizes. Use Mismagius to give them a Prize, then stamp their hand. It's also decent mid-game disruption.
  • I put Belt to two to make room for everything else. Feel free to put it back at 4 if you'd like.
I don't see this doing extremely well against Malamar variants, especially because Giratina as an attacker does a lot of harm. You also have no way to accelerate energy, so it makes it hard to set up another attacker when Garchomp inevitably dies. Even still, it looks like it could be fun.
Thanks! I will definitely playtest your archetype and see how it does. You make alot of good suggestions on switching some things around and I had a brain fart typing computer search lol. I meant pokemon communication.