Missing Booster Pack!


Hey guys!

Read the forum for a while but signed up today to ask a question! Just bought the Snivy Black & White tin and there are only 3 boosters inside - Undaunted, Triumph and only 1 Call of Legends!

(Picture -http://img715.imageshack.us/i/snivytin.jpg/)

Everything else is fine, and I've seen on other threads to contact them but what is the email? Or do I just write to the address on the back of the packet? Should I send them a picture too?

I've got the Oshawott and Tepig tin as well and they were fine so I don't want them to think I'm trying to do them over!

Any help would be brilliant! I'm from the UK if that makes a difference?

looks like they made an error and missed a booster pack.

not sure about the UK, but you can always go to Walmart or Target even to exchange it
just contact the number on the back...ive done that with packs missing a rare and you just call and the usually send a replacement
There's no number on the back of the boosters or the tin itself! Just an American address and a UK one. =(

Gonna send them an email now and hope for the best. Totally sucks though, cause I've only started collecting Call Of Legends with these tins and it's missing!
Yeah, emailed them through the Pokémon TCG support site and they got back to me saying they were 'escalating it to the appropriate person' and they hope to resolve it in under 48 hours. Not holding out much hope, but I'm pretty annoyed.

It's just a case that no-one saw it and they could just think I'm trying to pull a fast one!
ive always wondered that....could you jsut send them a email saying that you didnt get a pack in your tin when you really did and they would send you a new one? youc ant really prove that you did or didnt get the last pack....i will need to investigate :p jk
That's exactly what I was thinking catutie! They must get a few people chancing their luck and, like you say, it's my word against theirs! But I'm telling the truth haha! =D
^again...that could just be you taking a picture with you just taking one booster out and sending them a pic of 3...easy as that.
I have. I sent them the same picture that's in my original post. Still got the cellophane wrapper with the price sticker on it and my receipts too.

And the 3 boosters are still sitting there, unopened and enticing me...
Hahah I've already got all the B&W tins so I'd be happy with just the booster!! I said in the email that after paying £12.99 for the tin, it'd be nice to get everything it says I should!