Missing scans?


Aspiring Trainer
I'm pretty new to Pokebeach and I'm not ever sure what I should say here. I guess I have two questions:

Are you aware that (100) Phanpy, (101) Pinsir, and (102) Ponyta in the page for Aquapolis scans don't have images? They aren't even hyperlinked to anything.

And if so... are people supposed to submit scans or something? Because I have a scanner and all three of those cards.

Let me know. Thanks. ^.^
Well, you can tell Water Pokemon Master, the webmaster, by IM, and graciously scan them for him.

That would help.
Also, the promos and things like that (black star) isn't working either, i guess i will report that to WPM, unless you want to as well Weaponary
The site got shut down a few months ago, maybe WPM still hasn't converted everything.

If you have those cards, like the others said, you can email WPM about them. I'm sure this has already been brought to his attention, though.
When the site got shut down (or moved to a new host, whatever you want to call it), a couple months ago, WPM lost all of the scans. But thankfully, somebody (not quite sure who, I can't remember) had some of the sets saved on their computer.
I reported this some time ago (and a few errors in the scans as well) and offered to supply new scans... never heard back.

Kingvike28 said:
Also, the promos and things like that (black star) isn't working either, I guess I will report that to WPM, unless you want to as well Weaponary